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The fourth energy cell is described in Samus Aran's data banks as being hidden at "A secret Fuel Gel pumping station."

Seriously, the 4th cell is the hardest to acquire. It requires an extensive knowledge of past visited locations. Luckily for you, a few brilliant people have figured it out. I will be happy to pass this info onto you.

Step 1) Go back to the North Jungle Court on Planet Bryyo. This is an important step. You must be here to complete the rest of the steps.

Step 2) Search around the Court on the upper levels with your Scan Visor. When you find a generator, scan it.

Step 3) Switch to your gunship's Command Visor, and grapple the generator. (Note: You need the ship grapple upgrade from Planet Elysia before you can complete this task)

Step 4) When you lift the generator away, it'll open up a small hole; the perfect size for the Morph Ball. Crawl through it. You should emerge on the other side to find a door. Go through it. You should find a kinetic charge circle behind it. Charge it up. You should now have rotated the entrance so you can pass through the gate. Go across the bridge. You are now in the Thorn Jungle Airdock portion of Bryyo. (Note: You need to access the Hall of the Golems and unlock the other side of the bridge before you can cross properly. It's the only way to get to the other landing site).

Step 5) Now, I know this is complicated, but stay with me. Now, after exiting the Hall of the Golems (it exits from the bridged area), you should end up at the Federation Landing Site. Now, before you jump and say, "Finally! I can fly my ship to the secret area!", shut up. You can't. Sadly, your ship has to drop the generator before you can fly with it again. Leave the landing site, and use your map to find your way to the area where the giant golem with the ropes attached was once stationed. This is where the generator is dropped. (Note: If you don't know which area I'm talking about, it appears on your map near the downed Federation Vessel. It appears on your map as "Hidden Court." It is below the Falls of Fire. You really can't miss it!)

Step 6) Well, we're here. Stand on the Half Pipe, and then activate your Command Visor. Point it towards the giant tower that has the Scan description, "It looks like a giant battery has been taken from it." Just to the LEFT of this tower, there is an empty area. This is where you command your ship to drop the generator.

Step 7) After you drop the generator, the tower will power up, and expose the location of the Energy Cell. Boost in the Half Pipe to the left side, and then follow the path right to the 4th Energy Cell.

Congratulations! One step closer to galactic conquest!

Good luck, trooper!

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13y ago

Energy Cell 1: Lying on the ground by the ship that's crashed on the Valhalla's docking bay. Just walk over it to pick it up.

Energy Cell 2: Obtained automatically when you first load up your ship with missiles on Bryyo. Apparently impossible not to obtain.

Energy Cell 3: Generator B, Norion. This one will require you to have progressed at least up to where you've obtained the Seeker Missiles. Use the plasma beam to fuse together the circuit board in the cargo hub, then head down to the Cargo Dock B. Destroy the Hopping Metroids there with cold missiles and your beam fire, then use seeker missiles on the door that's revealed. Head through to defeat the Metroid Hatcher, which you may have already seen on the Pirate Homeworld. If you haven't, then the process involves shooting the ends of the tentacles, then shooting the mouth before it can spit out metroids, then grappling the tentacles and pulling them away from the body. When the Hatcher is dead, roll through the ball tube to nab the energy cell.

Energy Cell 4: Hidden Court, Bryyo. In order to obtain this energy cell, you have to have extended the bridge in the Machineworks Bridge section of the area that connects the Thorn Jungle to the Federation Hangar Bay areas. To do so, first you need to use your Ship Grapple to grab the head of the statue in the Fuel Gel Pool and drop it on the statue in the Colossus Vista area. That'll open one side of the bridge area; use your boost ball in the spinner to extend that side of the bridge.

Next, land your ship at the Thorn Jungle landing side and head to the North Jungle Court, where you can use your Ship Grapple on a large structure in one of the alcoves. Do so, then follow the path that's revealed under it to reach the other side of the bridge. Extend it and walk back across. Head through the Hall of the Golems and get to the Hidden Court. Drop the battery onto the fuel gel pump here to extend the energy cell. Jump to the top of the room and use the halfpipe to access the energy cell.

Energy Cell 5: Connected to research station in Skytown Xenoresearch system. Required to get the Swarm Missiles.

Energy Cell 6: Command Courtyard, Pirate Command. Required to move on.

Energy Cell 7: Metroid Processing, Pirate Homeworld. Optional, but easy to spot under the floor when you charge up the core generator.

Energy Cell 8: Ballista Storage, Elysia. Where you originally found the boost ball. Drop down, defeat the Steamlord, charge the turbines, and remove the Energy Cell. Requires Energy Grapple.

Energy Cell 9: Phazon Quarry, Pirate Homeworld. After obtaining the Nova Beam, unlock the phazite door in the Main Cavern and follow it through to Drill Site 2. Use x-ray vision and blast the drill's interior red ball, then head back to the quarry and find the energy cell.

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