How do you beat the SA X in Metroid fusion?
To beat the sa-x u have 2 have plasma beam once u have that just shoot him/her/it with fully charged blasts note u cant kill it until u have plasma so just run away or hide if dont have it yet
Where can you play Metroid Zero Mission?
Well, you could actually download an emulator program that lets you play GBA/GBC games on your computer. The program is called VisualBoyAdvance. Google it. It only takes less than a minute to install, and it's free!
In Metroid Prime Hunters who is Sylux?
sylux is a bounty hunter who has weapons from the galatic federation which he stole.his weapon can drain metroid prime3 whenyou get 100 percent complete a ship that looks like sylux ship follows samus which now people mostly think its sylux.
Where do you get the shock coil in Metroid prime hunters?
You get shock coil from the Incubation vault 2 in the celestial archives.
How do you get to phantoon in Metroid Other m?
Dunno. It's a giant alien ghost thing...... maybe it just likes messing with ships?
Does any one have any old Metroid passwords for the nes?
Some of these of been tested, others havn't.
JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------
This gives you no suit and 255 missiles.
999999 999999 KKKKKK KKKKKK
This will give you a harder game to play.
NARPAS SWORD0 000000 000000
This will make you invulnerable.
007ltp W20000 025kHa 8A00?Y
Slightly powered in Brinstar
00U--- -u0000 0AFw9Y 1800sb
Ready for Ridley
0Gz--- -m3e0G 00VvjS 3m00n?
Ready for Kraid
M7---- --zOA0 2T-tfm a000d5
Start Atop Tourian
Last stage with everything
uVt-Fg boo-W7 9t?lM0 O00GSi
End game - in suit
X----- --N?WO dV-Gm9 W01GMI
End game - no suit - best ending
mMuiS1 II6-GE Jls?h0 m00WRM
No suit - all weapons
X-z-uJ lls0W0 fVvweG 000WNr
215 missiles / 5 energy tanks / All powerups / Both mini-bosses dead
000000 000000 03-200 000089
255 missiles / No energy tanks
222222 222222 UUUUUU UUUUUU
No Morph ball / Weird
000000 000000 080h00 0000gu
Begin with missiles / No missile tanks in Kraid's lair
000000 000001 00F300 00008X
Begin with missiles / No missile tanks in Ridley's lair
Brgin in Nofair / Mother Brain killed / Maru Mari / Varia / 212 missiles
y54I04 0G9040 0B--00 0000YE
Everything you need to beat the game.
333333 333333 KKKKKK KKKKKK
Weird code / Takes you to title screen
000000 000020 000000 000020
Start as suitless Samus with no items
V----- -r-e69 t?A00e 00M04p
Start at Tourian / Fully powered / 2nd ending
OV---- --r-e6 9t?A08 000GTq
Start at Tourian / Fully powered / 4th ending
7----- -zVw1Y T-YW01 -W5WCl
Start at Tourian / Fully powered / 5th ending
5X---- ---N?W OdVue0 0000iu
Start at Tourian / Fully powered / Best ending
0iF--- ---w-q 3ax-50 0000wx
Start at Tourian / Fully powered / Suitless Samus / Best ending
Start in Tourian / 1 energy tank and 48 missles / Stuck with no power-ups / Armorless Samus
000000 000000 0Fy000 00003-
Start with 255 missiles
000000 000000 4G0000 00000H
Start with Bombs (and Maru Mari)
000000 000000 080000 0000Y8
Start with Ice Beam
000000 000000 100000 000004
Start with Long Beam
000000 00000G 7?2ruA 005WFh
Start with Suitless Samus / 5 Missiles / All Upgrades / No Energy Tanks
000000 000000 040000 0000X8
Start with Wave Beam
l-aaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa
Start with suit with the wave beam / No long beam / No morph ball / Both Kraid and Ridley statues open to Tourian
CONTIN UE_MY_ GAMEMI NIBOSS - Armorless Samus and no powerups / Enter Tourian from the start
00WX00 2W0000 41TW1o 0000(lower-case cursive L)D
Suitless Samus
What is the plot of Metroid Prime?
samus aran is out in her ship one day, when she receives a distress signal from another ship. investigating, she discovers it is a space pirate frigate orbiting a planet called talon 4. she storms the ship, to find most of the crew dead due to some of their experimental creatures running rampant. there, she spots ridley, now with new cyborg implants, and he flies down to talon 4, followed by samus as the space frigate explodes. she explores the surface of talon 4 and finds it was once the home of the mythic chozo race. she also discovers a mutagenic, radioactive element called phazon that infests the planets surface and corrupts and kills anything it touches. the space pirates have established several bases on the planet and are attempting to use the phazon to build a new class of super pirates, with deadly results. through chozo law and pirate data, samus finds that the source of phazon seems to radiate from "the impact crater", were a vast meteor struck aeons ago and first released phazon into the environment. the chozo managed to seal it away, along with "the worm" that dwelled inside the meteor and is said to be the source of all phazon. samus, shadowed by meta ridley, finds the 12 chozo artifacts that act as the keys to the impact crater, and finds a way in. however ridley interupts, and samus (along with some chozo help) manages to destroy him. once inside the crater, samus finds the worm: metroid prime; a giant, bio-mechanical metroid mutation that produces phazon and looks like a metal crab with a face. once it's shell is destroyed, the core of metroid prime reveals itself and samus battles it, super-charging her beam with pure phazon in order to destroy it. the metroid prime begins to explode, then sucks off samus's phazon infused suit, before destroying the meteor in a fiery explosion. samus, satisfied, flies away. in the remains of the crater, a puddle of phazon bubbles away: the last phazon on talon 4. suddenly, an armoured hand pops out of the phazon. an eye appears on the gauntlet, and swivels to look at the screen...
Cheat codes for Metroid zero mission vba?
How do you beat the nightmare in Metroid fusion?
just shoot him in the mouth with missiles, super missiles, or a charged beam. super missiles are the fastest, it only takes 4 total to kill kraid. getting him to open his mouth is the key, just shoot him in the eyes with any weapon(preferably your regular beam so you don't waste ammo), and after his eyes flash his mouth will open. then quickly switch to your missiles and shoot him in the mouth.
How do you get the bomb on the original NES Metroid?
The Super Bomb is sold at the Bomb Shop which is Links house in the Dark World. It will only become available once you have beaten Misery Mire & Ice Palace. You must also rescue the blacksmith from the Dark World and reunite him with his partner in the Light World.
Is there a way to play as Zero Suit Samus in Metroid Prime Hunters?
Metriod: Zero Mission for the Gameboy Advance. Zero Suit Samus is only playable on that and in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii.
How do you get to Ridley in Super metroid?
To get Ridley you need to get to the bottom of Norfair with the Speed Booster. I lent my game to a friend so this may be inaccurate. Sry. Oh and if Draydon is reading this remember where Wild world is... I cut the string and no more Drydon or Alana or your AR cash... You remember that...
How do you get the morph ball in Metroid prime?
in the chozo ruins, you go into a room with a half pipe and then you kill a bunch of beetles and finally a beetle with a hard shell around its head that u must jump around it and shoot its tail (:
How do you do dash in super Metroid?
In a Mario Race (against an evil mirror version of you), there are 3 steps for getting a start dash: 1. When the camera is circling around you and Dark Mario, hold the joystick in the "up" position. 2. When the countdown gets to 2, press and hold the "Z" button. 3. The moment the word "Go!" pops up on the screen, press the "A" button. It is somewhat difficult to get a start dash, and it will take practice, but soon you'll get the hang of it!
How do you save the game Metroid prime hunters on ds?
youse takes the filen and savet to uor hardded drivers...then youse play with your fun and it will saves as .www.ww resaves it to your hddse it will then transfers plays to yours thing.
hack the Gibson dumbbeee
On Metroid prime trilogy how do you get green tokens?
A Green Token is awarded when the player uses WiiConnect 24 to send Friend Vouchers to friends. Friend Vouchers are limited to 26 per save file, and they are obtained in many different ways throughout the game.
Friend Vouchers
1. Kills
Friend Vouchers are awarded for every one hundred up to one thousand. 10 Friend Vouchers can be obtained in this way.
2. Juggling Bonus
The player must earn at least 20 points on the target practise mini-game on Docking Bay 5, G.F.S. Olympus.
3. GF Trooper Saved
If the player saves a Federation Marine from being sucked into space during the Space Pirate attack on G.F.S. Olympus, they will earn a Friend Voucher. This can be done by shooting a red switch.
4. Flawless Escape
During the Space Pirate attack on Norion, Meta Ridley attacks Samus in a morph Ball tube two times. If the player does not take damage from Meta Ridley, they will earn a Friend Voucher.
5. Shortcut Discovered
In the Gel Cavern on Bryyo Fire, there is a continuous stream of Fuel Gel. After obtaining the Ice Missiles, use the Ice Missiles to freeze the stream of Fuel Gel, revealing a Morph Ball tube. Enter the Morph Ball tube to be launched back to Imperial Hall. This will earn the player a Friend Voucher
6. Icy Reptillicide
Weaken a Reptillicus or a Reptillicus Hunter on Bryyo. When the Reptillicus or Reptillicus Hunter throws its chakram, freeze it with an Ice Missile. When the chakram returns, it will shatter the Reptillicus or Reptillicus Hunter. This will earn the player a Friend Voucher.
7. Perfect Execution
To earn this Voucher, players must flip all three switches without having them reset by Aerotroopers on disabling the Tiamat Turret on Thorn Jungle, Bryyo.
8. Externimator
To earn this Voucher, kill all the creatures on a Leviathan Landing Site.
9. Stylish Kill
To earn this Voucher, the player must let the Steambots fall with the bridge on Elysia's Skybridge Hera.
10. Bowling for Bots
Kill 3 Tinbots with the Boost Ball to earn this Voucher.
11. Crash Landing
Use the Plasma Beam to ignite the jetpack of an Aerotrooper, and yank it off with the Grapple Lasso to earn this Voucher.
12. New Area Discovered 1
It is awarded when the player first visits Skytown East on Elysia.
13. New Area Discovered 2
It is awarded when the player first visits Bryyo Ice on Bryyo.
14. 20 Commandos Killed
To earn this Voucher, kill 20 Space Pirate Commandos.
15. Harvester Destroyed
The player must command a bombing run on the Phazon Harvester Drone on the Pirate Homeworld, after obliterating the Defense System Generator.
16. Leviathan Humiliated
To earn this Voucher, the player must shoot the eyes inside the Leviathan Battleship orbiting the Pirate Homeworld 60 times.
17. Secret Message Discovered
To earn this Voucher, the player must enter a secret code on the G.F.S. Vahalla to listen to the last message of the Aurora Unit 313.
You can use the WiiConnect 24 to send Friend Vouchers to friends for Friend Tokens (Green Tokens).
Where do you get the Phazon Suit in Metroid Prime?
If you defeat all of the other bosses in the desert, the swamp, and the Sanctuary Fortress, and bring the lights of Aether in the dark temples back to the light temples, they will combine to create the light suit in the place where the main group of Luminoth live.
How much does Metroid prime hunters for DS cost?
harvest moon ds cost $19.99 for a new one or if you go and buy a used one it is only $12.99 or $17.99 depending on quality
How do you get the grapple beam in Metroid Prime 1?
First, you have to go to Phazon Mines. Second, you must get the morph ball power bomb. Then go back to the room with the rotatable morph ball tracks. On the third level of the room, there is a pile of bendezium rock that you need to blow up with the power bomb. Then rotate the tower around correctly so that the yellow tracks line up. The grapple beam is at the top of the room right through a door. There are two doors however, so if you enter a door and don't see the grapple beam, stop and change the morph ball tracks to the opposite side of the room. Then you should be able to get the grapple beam and swing accross the room to the other door.
Is Megaman better than Metroid?
One series is not necessarily better than another series. However, here is some information to help you decide for yourself. Metroid currently has 12 titles released in the series, while Mega Man has over 60. This large quantity of games in the Mega Man series has led to some criticism due to the lack of quality in some of the games, but also is an indicator of its success. Even though their numbers are different, these games have both had their fair share of success. In terms of game play, on the other hand, these games are both fantastic in their own rights. The Mega Man series is based traditionally on an action platformer type of game and later spreading out into rpgs. Metroid was developed into more of an adventure game as opposed to an action game, which continued well into the games future and is especially present in the Metroid Prime series. Although the very fundamentals of the protagonists of the two series are similar, the games both have a very distinctive atmosphere that makes them both great series.
Personally though, I'm a huge Metroid fan! The series has spawned some seriously epic games!
How do you use speed booster on Super Metroid while on Snes9x?
You need to go to input and figure out where your run button is at and hold it down while moving left or right to gain speed booster. Then press down to shinespark.
Who invented the game Metroid?
Gumpei (or Gunpei) Yokoi was the creator of Metroid. Sadly, he died at 50 because of a car accident
How do you quit super Metroid?
just hit the plus button during a battle and hold down all the buttons it says at the top next to "quit" at the same time. then just keep hitting b until you get to the title screen. hit the home button and hit wii menu from their. then turn off the power or play something else.