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Q: Where is the future robots joints?
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How do people make robots move and please make it simple?

Most robots have movable bodies. Some only have motorized wheels, and others have dozens of movable segments, typically made of metal or plastic. Like the bones in your body, the individual segments are connected together with joints. Robots spin wheels and pivot jointed segments with some sort of actuator. Some robots use electric motors and solenoids as actuators; some use a hydraulic system; and some use a pneumatic system (a system driven by compressed gases). Robots may use a combination of all these actuator types.

What is stationary robot?

Stationary Robots. These are robot that are fixed in position. They tend to have robot arms that can move about. The diagram below shows a large-scale stationary robot arm. It has mobile joints called 'the wrist', 'the elbow', 'the waist' and 'the shoulder'.

Where are robots being used?

China and Japan are the places where you find most of the robots being used, but in most automobilie factories there are robots in use. So they're not only in China and Japan. The more humanoid robots are primarily in China and Japan. Also there is robotics comititions where students build robots and battle them in multiple countries.

Where the robots are most commonly used?

Industrial robots are often used in industry. A car manufacturing company may use robots to continuously produce certain car parts or body frames, without taking a break for food, toilet, or needing to sleep. An industrial robot may be used where it is too hazardous for humans to work. A robot may be sent to investigate whether a suspicious package is actually a bomb or not.

Difference between permanent and non permanent mechanical joints?

permanent joints you have to break them off for them to be separated from what ever their on but semi permanent joints you can take of without breaking anything