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Q: Where is the location of the spleen of a frog?
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Do frogs have spleens?

frog do have a spleen. it is located by the rectum and intestines.

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What is the organ found within the mesentery that stores blood in a frog?

The spleen stores blood in the frog. It is an organ found within the mesentery. This is part of the frogs circulatory system.

Spleen in related to blood processing?

The spleen of a frog carries the same role as the spleen in a human. The spleen destroys white blood cells and develops antibody's to defend the frogs immune system. This helps protect the immune system from viruses, such as the common cold.

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What is the location of the spleen and stomach?

Left upper quadrant of the abdomen

What is the only way to find a frog?

the finding of the frog equals the location

Where does abor bug-eye frog location?

India, I think.

Location of spleen abdominopelvic region?

The left upper quadrant is the location of the left portion of the liver, the larger portion of the stomach, the pancreas, left kidney, spleen, portions of the transverse and descending colon, and parts of the small intestine.

What is a cats spleen?

What Is the Spleen?The spleen is an elongated organ located in the abdomen. Though not essential for life, the spleen performs important functions related to the blood and lymph systems. The spleen filters the blood and participates in various immune functions.Where Is the Spleen Located?The spleen is located near the stomach in the left forward part of the abdomen. The exact location of the spleen depends upon its size and shape and is affected by the size of the surrounding organs, such as the fullness of the stomach.What Is the General Structure of the Spleen?The spleen is a relatively large, dark red organ that is supplied with numerous blood vessels. The normal spleen is shaped somewhat like a tongue and is considerably longer than it is wide and slightly constricted in the middle. It is covered by a tough capsule of fibrous tissue.

Where in the body is the largest single collection of lymphoid tissue?

That is called as Spleen.