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teeth and bones

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Q: Where is the majority of the body's flouride stored?
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The majority of our body's phosphorus is stored in bones.

Where does the majority of your drinking water stored?

The majority of your drinking water is stored in dams in your local area. This is filtered and treated and delivered into the water mains. The majority of fresh water in the world is stored in the Antarctic ice.

What is the majority of the energy in the body stored in?

the major form of stored energy in the body is carbohydrate, stored as glycogen

Where is the majority of phosphorus stored?


Where is the majority of the water stored in the hydrosphere?

the ocean.

The majority of our body's fluoride is stored in the?

The Skeleton.

What is percentage of flouride in sodium flouride?

Pure NaF (sodium fluoride,not flouride)contains 45.23% fluorine by weight.

Where can you get Flouride?

Fluoride(not flouride)is a chemical commenly found in toothpaste

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Is flouride a poison?

Flouride is not pison in the water jug if it was why would they sell it then

What is definition of berillium flouride?

Beryllium flouride is the inorganic compound with the formula BeF