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Q: Where is the marine corps birthday party in Boston MA?
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Where is it possible to obtain the Marine Corps Cadence app for Android?

The Marine Corps Cadence app for Android OS can be found in the Google Play store. The Play Store is an app installed on all Android devices and the source of all 3rd party apps.

How long does the marine corps ball last?

Typically the ball lasts for about 3-4 hours. The first part is the ceremony, which is dictated by Marine Corps Order, and follows a set procedure. After the ceremony is dinner and general frivolity, lasting until the last people leave... usually to an after party.

When is Eeyore's Birthday Party?

eeyore's b day is in october 17 of 1945 and is held in Boston massachuts

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

Why does the Marine Corps insignia have an anchor?

The United States Marine Corps is a department of the United States Navy. The Marine Corps was first developed carry out certain jobs that the average sailor could or would not. Firstly, protect the Captain from his crew. Second, repel enemy combatants on the high seas. Third, be used as special boarding party; to attack enemy vessels. Also as a shore party to conduct raids, as diplomats, and as combatants. The anchor represents the maritime traditions of the U.S.M.C.

Was the Boston tea party in Boston?

ya that's why they call it ''Boston'' tea party

What is the adjective in the phrase tropical birthday party?

The Adjective in the phrase "tropical birthday party" is tropical and birthday. EXPLAIN: What kind of party? Tropical party. What kind of party? Birthday party.

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punished Boston for the tea party

Site of a massa care and a tea party?

In Boston there was a Boston massacre and the Boston Tea Party.

What was the harbor called that was used for the Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party was at the Boston Port.

How did colonists defy britains attempts at regulation and taxation?

Boston tea party

What means birthday bash?

A birthday bash is a birthday party.