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By Mazumi in Greenguard West. /join greenguardwest and run left.

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Q: Where is the ninja rank 10 shop in AQworlds?
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How can you have a ranger class in AQWorlds?

You can buy it from the rep shop for 50 000 gold if you have rank 10 sandsea

How do you get paladan on AQWorlds?

warrior rank 10 and healer rank 10

What level and rank is the highest in AQWorlds?

highest level:LVL20 highest rank:10, you can get more things like warrior, mage, ninja, barber, rouge, healer etc. at trainers, and paladin from artix in swordhaven if you have rank 10 in warrior and healer

When does doomknight come out on AQWorlds?

Doomknight is out. You can get it from the doomknight shop in Shadowfall if you are a member, have a rank 10 healer class, a rank 10 warrior class and at least rank 5 evil reputation. It costs 10000 gold.

What is the strongest class for nonmembers in AQWorlds?

Some strong non-member classes are necromancer (requires rank 10 doomwood or 2000 AC), shaman (requires rank 10 arcangrove or 2000 AC), ninja, dragonslayer and ranger (requires rank 10 sandsea rep).

How do you get the dracomancer class in AQWorlds?

As for as I know, there is no dracomancer class in AQWorlds. Yes there is. It just haven't been updated yet. When the whole Etherstorm storyline is finished, you can buy the Dracomancer from the Rep shop if you have Rep rank 10 Etherstorm.

Where do you get paldan you in AQWorlds?

Be a Healer rank 10 and Warrior rank 10 and a member then go to swordhaven and talk to Artix. (You can also have rank 10 Acolyte instead of rank 10 Healer, and rank 10 Warlord instead of rank 10 Warrior)

How do you get a NUE necromonicon on aqworlds?

You need to be rank 10 in nercromancer and 50,000 gold.

How do you get Paladin armor in AQworlds?

you have to have healer rank 10 and warrior rank 10 then go to Artix in swordhaven but you have to ba member to get it HOPE I HELPED

What classes are in AQWorlds?

Classes in AQWorldsHealerMageRogueWarriorAcolyte (Requires rank 5 healer)Renegade (Requires rank 5 rogue)Sorcerer (Requires rank 5 mage)Warlord (Requires rank 5 warrior)Paladin (Required rank 10 warriors or warlord and rank 10 healer or acolyte)Alpha Pirate (Rare)Barber (Rare)Beta Berserker (Rare)Gift Box (Rare)Leprechaun (Rare)No Class (Seasonal Rare)NinjaAssassin (Requires rank 5 ninja and ninja quests completed)ChornomancerBeast WarriorClawsuitBerserkerDoomKnightDragonLord ClassGuardian ClassDefender ClassStarLord ClassDragonslayerEnforcerPirateProtoSartorium ClassPumpkinlord (Seasonal Rare)RustbucketShaman (Requires rank 10 Arcangrove)Vampire (Rare)Witch (Rare)

Why are your classes in aqworlds not ranking up?

i believe that if you get rank 10, you cant rank up anymore. thats the highest rank, unless you hack, which i dont recommend.

In aqworlds how many reputation points does it take to get from rank 1 to 10 in evil rep?