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Q: Where is the painting Whistler's mother located?
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What is a replica of the famous painting of whistlers mother worth?

20-30 thousand

When was whistlers mother made?

Whistler's Mother, otherwise known as the Arrangement in Grey and Black: The Artist's Mother, was an oil painting of James McNeill Whistler. It was painted in 1871.

Why did Whistlers painting create such controversy?

He painted views with some realism, but mainly meant to create a mood in the viewer. Many people (and critics) reacted by feeling that Whistler had failed painting the subject realistically.

How much in dollar value is Whistler's Mother painting created by James abbott mcneill whistler sold for today?

i want to know what the value is for a print i bought in delaware city,de antique store around 1979 its brown and tan.

Who did James Abbott mcniell whistler paint whistlers mother for?

What we often call "Whistler's Mother" was actually called "Study in Gray and Black." It is only incidentally a portrait of his mother, and was painted for no buyer. He probably painted it as a compositional answer to his fellow artists, who thought he had left the art of painting too far. In other words, he did it to prove his method was sound, his sensibilities intact. Many artists since have considered it to be one of the very first "abstract paintings."

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George Washington Whistler?

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