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Q: Where is the riding trainer in undercity?
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Where is the goblin riding trainer?

See below in the related links for a map to the Goblin riding trainer, Revi Ramrod.

In World of Warcraft when you are a warlock where do you get your minion traning?

Depends on whether you are Horde or Alliance - Alliance learn them from their trainer in the Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind or you can get an imp in Northshire after the quest 'The Stolen Tomb', or in the 'bad area' of Iron Forge. Horde, the trainer in Undercity or Ogrimaar.

What is Undercity in World of Warcraft?

The Undercity is the capital city for the Undead. It is built under the ruins of Lorderan.

How do you get a horse skinny?

work with it for about a month ,lounging it ,riding it. or send it to a trainer

In undercity what do you whisper into that dudes ear on wow?

There are a lot of dudes that are in UnderCity, if you're talking about a guard or something, they can't talk, their controlled by the computer, called NPC.

Who do you go to to get riding training in World of Warcraft?

To get the training you need to ride a basic mount in World of Warcraft, simply go to any riding trainer and they will teach it to you. To use a races mounts however, you need to be exalted with that race, except if you are that race. Some classes automatically get their first level of riding when they purchase their mount spell from their class trainer. Warlocks and paladins get their training from their trainer at level 20, and Death Knights are always made with level 40 riding already learned.

What are some careers involving horses?

equine vet, horse trainer, horse breeder, riding judge (showing), riding instructer, professional rider :)

Why would a person hire a cycle trainer?

A cycle trainer is someone that helps an individual learn, and perfect bicycle riding for those that are planning a bike competition or bike marathon.

How long would it take to get to Undercity from Stormwind by walking in World of Warcraft?

an hour

Where is the riding trainer in ironforge?

The riding trainer is in a building that is outside of Silvermoon a little north west of the gate. EDIT: If you are looking at the Map (hit "M"), the stables are SE from the gate, make a straight line down from the "V" in "Silvermoon" on the map and it points right to it.

WoW where should you train your mage for lvl 25-40 in world of warcraft?

As a Mage you can teleport to major cities. You should have the spell to teleport to Stormwind or Undercity (I'm not sure about UC as I play Alliance.) and there is a trainer there. Or are you asking where to level your Mage? If so, Horde or Alliance? PVP or PVE Server?

As a horse trainer or riding instructor do you need to carry insurance?

Yes. If you don't have it you could be majorly screwed if there was an accident and you were held responsible.