

Where is the second least populated place in the world?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Where is the second least populated place in the world?
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Which is the least populated place in world?


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Africa is the second only to Asia as the most populated continent in the world.

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Mongolia is the least densely populated country in Asia, with vast expanses of wilderness and a small population spread across its large territory.

What is the least populated country except Antarctica?

The Pitcairn Islands have a population of around 50 making it the least populated jurisdiction in the world, although it is not a sovereign nation. The Vatican is the world's smallest and least populated country at about 920 people.

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Monaco, Singapore and South Korea are the most densely populated countries in the world. Mongolia, Namibia and Australia are least densely populated

What is the world's least-populated country?

Vatican City

What is the least populated nation in the world?

The Vatican City.

Is Australia the world's largest Island but the smallest and least populated continent?

Australia is the worlds smallest continent; however the least populated is Antarctica. Technically Australia is not an island. If it was, so would every other place in the world as everything is surrounded by water. Continents are not islands. The largest island in the world is Greenland.

What is the least populated place?

this is a very hard question and impossible to answer unless you have been to every city in the world i don't know the name it also depends on what you call a city therefore it is an impossible question

What is the second most populated country in the world?

India is the second most populated country in the world, after China.

What is second most populated country of world?


Where is the world's most populated place?
