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The setting in "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells is primarily in late 19th-century England and a far future Earth inhabited by two distinct species, the Eloi and the Morlocks. The contrast between the decaying, stratified society of the 19th century and the dystopian future highlights Wells's social commentary on class division and the consequences of societal evolution. The setting helps convey the themes of progress, technology, and the potential consequences of societal choices.

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Q: Where is the setting in the time machine and how is it important to the story?
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Where is the setting in the time machine by HG wells?

The setting in the Time machine is in two main places. The story in the book is being told by the time traveller in his house parlour. The main bulk of where he is in the story however is around the Thames area of London in the year 802,701

Why set is important?

It helps tie the story togetherthe setting tells where the happening is and what time it is.

Can you define setting and tell why it is important in a story?

the setting is where and when a story takes place ... its important because it makes it easier to understand maybe the dialogue or certain words if you know what time frame and where in the world it takes place

What does the setting mean in the story?

the setting in story means the time and place

What element of a story is most likely to describe the setting of a story?

The setting of a story is typically described through the element of "setting" itself. This includes details about the time, place, and atmosphere in which the story takes place. A well-developed setting can enhance the reader's understanding of the story and create a vivid backdrop for the events that unfold.

How do you set time in time attendance machine?

Firstly, you should install the time attendance machine secondly, you can inter the setting interface,then choose the time setting then you can set time.

What is setting in a short story?

The setting is the place and time in which the story takes place.

Where was the setting of Grace and The Time Machine by Mary Hoffman?

The setting is in her backyard

Why the setting is not important to the story?

The setting is not always important to the story because the focus may be more on the characters, plot, or themes. Some stories can transcend specific settings and be relatable across different locations or time periods. In these cases, the setting may serve as a backdrop rather than a crucial element in driving the narrative.

What is setting in short story?

Setting in a short story refers to the time and place in which the events take place. It helps establish the mood, atmosphere, and context for the story, providing important background information for the reader to understand the characters and their actions.

The time and place in which a story happens is called the?


The setting of a story contains what?

The setting of a story includes the time, place, and environment where the events take place. It helps create the atmosphere, influences the characters, and can play a significant role in the plot development.