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Q: Where is the shape tool on adobe premiere elemets 10?
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How do you blur image in adobe premiere CS4?

Fliter>Blur>Gaussian Blur or use the blur tool.

How do you make a semicircle in Adobe Illustrator?

To make you semi-circle in Adobe Illustrator, you need to use the scissors tool to cut a circle shape perfectly in half.

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Adobe Fireworks is a Vector Graphics tool.

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Which adobe tool does multimedia use?

1. Adobe Photoshop 2. Adobe ImageReady 3. Adobe Illustrator 4. Adobe PageMaker 5. Adobe Acrobat

How is a vector graphic created?

with corel draw you can output in all common formats

How do you put word docs on Adobe?

you can import them using the import tool in adobe reader

What is arrow tool in Adobe Flash?

arrow tool is selected the all sorts of objects.

What is the history of Adobe Dreamweaver?

Dreamweaver was created in October 1996, by Macromedia, as a new editing tool for web pages. The tool provided a WYSIWYG visual and ways to manipulate the layout of HTML elements. In 2005, Macromedia was acquired by Adobe Systems and the tool is now known as Adobe Dreamweaver.

Which are the different tools in Adobe photoshop and how we can use it to create a design?

There are many tools you can use to create design, Type Tool to create text, Shape Tools to draw shapes, Pen Tool to draw shapes, Brush Tool to paint and they are located on left side of Screen in Toolbox.

Which are some of the most popular types of special effects software?

There are many kinds of special effects software which specialize in different areas. Dragonframe is best for stop-motion animation, while Adobe Premiere is best for editing and simple effects. Adobe After Effects is a popular professional tool for special effects in general.

What are the advantages of using Adobe Dreamweaver and Kompozer?

Adobe Dreamweaver is an editing tool as well as web design tool. Advantages of using Adobe Dreamweaver include that it is easy to use, allows fast website building, and it has tutorials and templates.