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In Time Tangled Island, the Peace Medal belonging to Lewis and Clark is at the hilltop workshop of Leonardo da vinci (time device 4 o'clock, 1516 AD). Climb out onto the wooden platform at far right, and jump onto the higher platform at the left. This will shift the position of the smaller platform in the gap. Jump down on to the smaller platform, then jump hard to the right to grab the medal.

*If you can't reach it, get Leonardo's notebook and he will give you his glider wings. The notebook is at the Statue of Liberty in 1882 AD (10 o'clock on the time device) : climb to the top left of the statue supports and jump hard left to reach the notebook on the ledge.

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Q: Where is the silver peace medal on Time Tangled Island?
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What is the peace medal for on poptropica?

In time tangled island.

How do you get the peace medal in time tangled island in poptropica?

Use the swing thing to move the platform near the peace medal.

Where is the girl that needs the peace medal on Time Tangled island?

The silver Peace Medal goes to Sacajawea, but actually to Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition at 1805 AD (8 o'clock on the time device).

What time period do you take the peace medal to on Time Tangled Island?

The silver Peace Medal found at Leonardo's time (1516 AD) goes to the Lewis and Clark expedition at 1805 AD (8 o'clock on the time device).

Where can you find the peace medal in Poptropica?

The peace medal on time tangled island is on Leonardo Davinci's part of the island when you climb to the top of the waterfall and walk over to this mechanism and you will see it hanging there.

What if the peace medal is not on the hook on time tangled island?

If it is not on the hook then something has gone very wrong.

What if the peace medal is not there in time tangled island?

if the peace medal is not there try going on to another one of the time thingies on the clock thing because that has never happened to me

What do you do with the Peace Medal on Time Tangled Island?

The peace medal found at Leonardo Da Vinci's workshop (4 o'clock 1516 AD) goes to Lewis and Clark (8 o'clock, 1805 AD).

Where is the peace treaty on poptropica?

At Time Tangled Island, at Leo's shop, you have to jump up on the furthest wood slate at the top. Then, jump down, and go on the furthest one wood slate on the bottom. Then, you have to jump and get the "Peace Medal". By the way, it is a medal. Finally, go to the "Lewis and Clark" Time Island, click on Lewis and give him the medal

How do you get the peace medal on time tangled island for my reward?

go where artist find his notebook he will give you glides put em on and go where the guy is and and glide to the pecea medel

Where is the peace treaty for time tangled island on poptropica?

Peace Medal: Hanging on the pulley system in Da Vinci's workshop (1516 AD).First climb onto the middle platform, making the top platform,you will go down but the bottom platform will come out. Jump onto the bottom platform and from there jump to try to touch the shiny silver circle.Read more: Poptropica_time_twisted_how_to_get_peace_medal

What do you do after you get the medal on Time Tangled island?

The Silver Peace MedalAfter you get the medal from under the platform at 1516 AD, take it to Lewis and Clark at 1805 AD (8 o'clock on the time device).The Island MedallionOnce all the times are repaired, you select Lab on the Time Device and go back to Pendulum's Lab. Take the Future Machine to the restored future and receive the Island Medallion from your future self. Then exit in the same way : select Lab on the time device and return to the "present."