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We need to know WHO the "snake" is before we can figure out WHERE he is.

He's introduced in Genesis' third chapter:

"Now the SERPENT [NACHASH: (pronounced - naw-khawsh'): a snake (from its HISS}.." - LIT Literal Bible w/Strong's Definitions] was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD had made..." (Gen.3:1)

While our first introduction to the "serpent" [the "snake"] isn't identified in the first book of The Bible; he is in the LAST:

"...the GREAT DRAGON [a serpentine creature] was cast out, THAT OLD SERPENT, called the DEVIL, and SATAN, which deceiveth the WHOLE WORLD [beginning with the two people God made]..." (Rev.12:9).

The verse in question is also revealed in the first book of the Bible where he is introduced, following his deceptive approach to the woman:

"And the LORD God said unto the Serpent, 'Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and DUST SHALT THOU EAT all the days of thy life..." (Gen.3:14).

So, with the "snake" positively identified by the Scriptures, the question can now be answered. He is an ANGEL, a SPIRIT BEING [see Heb.1:13-14] that LIVES IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF MEN; as with Judas Iscariot:

"...SATAN ENTERED INTO HIM..." (John 13:27).

We read in the Scriptures where the "angels that sinned" [see II Peter 2:4] -- the angels who followed Satan in his rebellious coup attempt against God's throne in heaven before man was made [Rev.12:7-9 & Isa.14:12-15) -- the same angels who have populated planet earth since being cast down to earth from heaven [II Peter 2:4 & Jude 1:6) and ever since man's creation: the Scripture tell us of man's being POSSESSED by them... as well as HAVING THEM BEING CAST OUT of men by Christ and others.

An unbelieving world that's unable to see, and therefore BELIEVE in their existence, refers to their effects on much of the behavior of humans today as "mental illness." Men can't understand that the effects of "unclean spirits" or "demons" in humans affects their health, brain function, behavior, seizures, etc... and in his ignorance of the Truth of God's Word, that reveals their existence to anyone who chooses to believe God's Word, they treat man's "mental illness" with "mind-altering drugs" and other stopgap methods that merely treat symptoms... but CURE NOTHING.

Men don't know or understand that while Jesus, Paul and others, through the power of God's Holy Spirit, CAST UNCLEAN SPIRITS OUT of people within the recorded events of the Bible... they also don't know or understand that, while the people out of whom the demons were cast DIED... THE DEMONS DIDN'T DIE... but have lived on down through the generations of man, and STILL RESIDE ON PLANET EARTH TO THIS DAY.

Satan and his demons LIVE IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF MEN EVERYWHERE. You don't have to look far to see the evil growing by leaps and bounds around the world.

They FEED ON THE DUST OF THE EARTH... the BASE THINGS in this world... the funky CLAY, MUD, RUBBISH... the vile, lowly, SELFISH and REBELLIOUS aspect of MAN'S NATURE, which is not naturally prone to the Love of others but the love of SELF.

The ways of the "snake" appeals to our selfish physical nature and not to the "selfless" way of our Creator, who sacrificed Himself for His creation to "redeem" us; to "buy us back" from the one who deceived the two people God made, and all of their generations since.

The world can't SEE the "snake." It can only see the WORKS, the DAMAGE, of the "snake" and his demons: the dying world on which we live. And because it can't see them, it doesn't believe that they exist. So the world ISN'T LOOKING FOR THEM so that they might KNOW WHERE they are.

But they are IN ALL OF US at one time or another... SOME more than others, wherever you see the most hideous of works being done against humanity... and planet earth.

Satan the Serpent is most concerned with the LEADERS OF THIS WORLD, however, and leaves the "small stuff" [the average person, the "small potatoes"] for his demons to deal with. The "snake" is prophesied to ultimately be FOUND in A MAN... a soon-coming WORLD LEADER to whom he will give ALL HIS POWER:

"...the Dragon GAVE HIM HIS POWER, and his seat, and GREAT AUTHORITY.... and ALL THE WORLD wondered after the Beast [THE FUTURE MAN]. And they [all the world, being deceived as it is, ignorantly] WORSHIPPED the DRAGON which GAVE POWER UNTO THE BEAST: and they [the whole deceived world] WORSHIPPED THE BEAST..." (Rev.13:2-4).

The "snake" doesn't concern himself directly with the "little guy," the "average joe," but with WORLD LEADERS and those most prone to have a direct effect on the world, and the plan of God; like a JUDAS.

He'll most likely be FOUND in the heart and mind of a WORLD LEADERS [one person at a time], the heads-of-state, the leaders of the governments and kingdoms of men:

As he told Jesus regarding the governments of man: "...'All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for THAT IS DELIVERED UNTO ME..." (Luke 4:6).

The "snake's" power over all the governments of the world was DELIVERED UNTO HIM when the two people God made; to whom God GAVE THE WORLD and all the power over it. When they DISOBEYED GOD and OBEYED and WORSHIPED the "snake"... they chose the WRONG GOD... and gave away the sovereignty over the earth, which God gave to them. And it was transferred to the "snake."

He became the "master" over God's creation; the present master from whom God's plan of Salvation is to ultimately designed to BUY MAN BACK. The two people God made, in their ignorance of the deceptive ways of the Serpent, DELIVERED their sovereignty over the earth directly to him: over ALL THE GOVERNMENTS on earth:

"...and TO WHOMSOEVER I WILL I GIVE IT.'" (Luke 4:6)

Satan owns this world's governments. And as we watch the nations sink lower and lower in moral leadership... anyone with the eyes to see the Truth of God's Word can see WHERE the SNAKE may be found. He's living in the hearts and minds of the blinded political and religious leaders of the nations.

"How thou art fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How thou art cut down to the ground, which didst WEAKEN THE NATIONS!" (Isa. 14:12)

The prophesied "Beast" is coming. And like Judas Iscariot, the "snake" will ENTER INTO HIM. Then anyone with the eyes to see will KNOW WHERE HE IS. But a blinded and deceived world won't, because the world doesn't believe in what it can't see.

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