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Q: Where is the startch production center within many agal cells?
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The production of blood cells and platelets is called?

The formation of platelets and red and white blood cells within the red bone marrow is known as erythroleukocytosis.

What structure takes up the majority of the center space within the plant cells?

The structure takes up the majority of the center space within the plant cell is the nucleus.

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The primary function of carbohydrates is energy production within cells?

carbs are sugars so they give you energy so that helps the cells in your body work

Centrioles are found at the center of the?

Centrioles are found in animal cells and play a role in cell division.

Where is the nucleus find within the cell?

Normally, for most cells the nucleus would be found in the center, and all cells have a nucleus, which contains DNA on chromosomes

What blood cell in the kidney secrets bed blood cells?

Cells within the kidney called interstitial fibroblasts produce a substance called erythropoietin, EPO for short, that stimulates production of red blood cells. They doesn't secrete or produce red blood cells themselves. Red blood cells are produced within bone marrow.

What does the nucleolus in a cell organelle do?

The nucleolus is a structure within the nucleus of Eukaryotic cells that is involved in the production of ribosomes, can be more than one in a nucleus

What involved in the digestion of food within the cell?

Lysosomes are the digestive center within a cell.

What it called when bloodsugar used by the cells in the production of energy?

used by all cells for energy production

What produces white blood cells and other immune responses?

White blood cells are produced within your bone in the bone marrow. Bacteria, viruses, cancer or other types of illness can stimulate the production white blood cells.

Cells control center?

The cells control center is the nucleus