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The story is recorded in Mark 10; 17 TO 31, and in Mathew 19: 16 to 22. All in the New Testament.

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Q: Where is the story of the rich man and Jesus?
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the rich young man is about a wealthy young man who asks jesus how he can have eturnal life and jesus said that he would have to give all of his belongings to the poor and jesus gave him an invitation to enter the wisdom of God but the manwalked away sadly and jesus told his desiples how itis so hard for those who have wealth to enter the wisdom God and repeated this

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to a rich man

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there is two one is the one that Jesus resurrected and the other one is in the story the rich man and Lazarus but they're different people

How do you know the rich man went away from Jesus?

It says so in the Bible.

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No. By trade he was a carpenter, like his father Joseph.

Why did the angels carry Lazarus away in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?

The story of Lazareth is a parable by Jesus, in Luke 16:19-31. When Jesus spoke of the angel carrying away Lazarus to the bosom of Abraham, this was intended allegorically, to mean that he died and went to heaven. In the parable, it was important that Lazarus be clearly understood as taken to heaven, to create a contrast to the fate of the rich man.

what conflict is presented in the story?

the rich man children thin and anemic

Was Jesus a rich man?

While Jesus was on earth as a Man He was not rich, in fact He tells us in Matthew 8:20, " Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." Jesus was born into a poor family (Mary and her husband, Joseph) were just plain folks who worked for a living. Jesus Himself was a carpenter until He began His ministry. But Jesus was rich in heaven before He came to earth and He is rich now while He is back in Heaven, but of coarse His riches are not like earthly riches.

What did Jesus say was hard for a rich man to do?

Matthew 19:23, 24 - Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." [NKJV]

In Luke 18 why did the rich man become very sad after hearing what Jesus said to him?

Jesus told the Rich man to sell all his possessions and follow him.As he has large possession he became very sad at this saying.