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Cynthia gives it to you. And by the way, it's psyducksnot phsducks!

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Q: Where is the super potion to move the phsducks in Pokemon dimiond?
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Where do you get super potion in Pokemon Crystal?

go to the pokemon mart and buy it

Where is the super potion in Pokemon HeartGold?

If you mean super potion, buy it at the store. If you mean SpecialPotion to heal Amphy, Cianwood city across the ocean.

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some ether, awakening, maybe a super potion

What are all of the items you can get in Pokemon GO?

Here are the items you can get in Pokemon GO:Camera (For taking pictures of Pokemon. You get it automatically.)Great Ball (For catching Pokemon. Better than a Poke Ball, but not as good as an Ultra Ball.)Hyper Potion (For healing Pokemon. Better than a Super Potion, but not as good as a Max Potion.)Incense (Attracts Pokemon to your location.)Incubator (Hatches eggs. One permanent one you get automatically, and you get other temporary ones from leveling up or in the store)Lucky Egg (Doubles your XP for 1/2 an hour.)Lure Module (Attracts Pokemon to a PokeStop.)Max Potion (Heals Pokemon. Better than a Hyper Potion.)Max Revive (Revives and heals Pokemon that have fainted completely.)Poke Ball (Catches Pokemon. Not as good as a Great Ball.)Potion (Heals Pokemon. Not as good as a Super Potion.)Razz Berry (If you feed this to a Pokemon, it becomes a little easier to catch for one throw.)Revive (Revives and heals Pokemon that have fainted halfway to full health.)Super Potion (Heals Pokemon. Better than Potion, but not as good as Hyper Potion.)Ultra Ball (Catches Pokemon. Better than a Great Ball.)You can also buy bag upgrades and Pokemon storage upgrades, but they aren't really items... you just buy them and it increases the applicable storage.

Where can you get secret potion in light platinum?

go to veilstone city and go into the department store and look.jeez you don"t know Pokemon very wellAbe chutiye super potion nahi hai , sercret potion hai

Pokemon platuim how do you get the super potion from Cynthia?

I think you might have to defeat Pastoria's gym leader, Crasher Wake.

Where do you get a super potion on soul silver?

you can find a super potion in the golden rod department.

Which is the easiest way to win a Pokemon league in Pokemon diamond?

by a bunch of revies and super potion and ethers also try to get all your Pokemon around level 60 and don't use graveler

What potion do you give to Amphy?

You give him a super potion from the pharmacy in cianwood city

Do you have to buy the super potion from somebody in Cianwood city on Pokemon Soulsilver to get to the sick Pokemon in the lighthouse?

No. When you walk into the phrmacy in Cianwood City, (an average building towards the bottom of the town) and talk the the single man inside it, he will automatically give you the potion to revive it if you have talked to jasmine in the lighthouse already.

How do you get the mix potion in platinum?

The only potions I've ever heared of were: potion, super potion, hyper potion, and max potion, and you find them in the veilstone store or after you have the right amount of badges.

What cost more three poke balls or one super potion?

3 pokeballs= 800 poke 1 super potion= 700 poke You do the math.