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Q: Where is the trachea bifurcates it is reinforced by a cartilaginous plate is called?
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What are the C-shaped rings in the trachea called?

Trachea is bounded by c-shaped ring to provide it support and flexibility

What structures keep the trachea supported and open?

The trachea is a firm cartilaginous tube and is a self supporting structure

How do the cartilaginous rings of trachea looks like?

They are C-shaped, with the opening in the back so that when you swallow food, the esophagus expands into the area of the trachea to allow the food (called a bolus) to go down. This process is called deglutition. If they were not C-shaped and positioned this way, your food would not be able to go down into your stomach.

What is the main bronchi?

The point at which the trachea splits into the right and left mainstem bronchi is called the carina. Hope this helps.

What are the two branches of the trachea?

The wind pipe is called a trachea. It brings air from your mouth down into your lungs. It is a straight tube at the top that separates into two branches, one going into each lung. These are the left bronchus and right bronchus.

What held the trachea open?

trachea is also called wind is common passage for both food and is kept open by rings.these are of specialised rings which are of "c" shaped .these are made up of, trachea is kept open by 'c' shaped specialised cartilagenous rings. these are made up of special type of cartilage called fibrous cartilage

What is the tube called in which oxygen travels down to the lungs?

Trachea Trachea

Exterior cartilaginous portion of the outer ear is called?


What can the trachea be called?


What are called 'windpipe in our body?

This is called the trachea.

Where is the cartilaginous joint located?

You have primary cartilaginous joint between the growing bones. They are called as primary cartilaginous joint. You have secondary cartilaginous joint in mid-line of your body. For example pubic symphysis, a joint between manubrium sterni and sternum as well as discs between your vertebrae.

What are two ways to differentiate between the trachea and esophagus?

First, the trachea is part of the respiratory system while the esophagus is part of the digestive system of human and some of the animals. Second, the trachea is the tube in air-breathing vertibrates that conducts air from the throat to the bronchi. It is commonly called windpipe and is made up of numerous cartilaginous half rings which is adjacent to the esophagus. Lying in front of the esophagus. While esophagus, a mascular tube about 10 inches long passes behind the trachea and the heart. The passage down which food moves between the throat and the stomach. In short, trachea is where the air passes while esophagus is where the food passes.