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The word "husband" exists more than 100 places in The Bible, both Old and New Testaments. "Husband" can be found in these books:

1 Cor. (10); 1 Kings (7); 1 Peter (3); 1 Timothy (2); 2 Cor. (1); 2 Kings (5); 4 Kings (5); Acts (2); Col. (2); Deut. (8); Ephesians (5); Esther (2); Exodus (3); Ezek. (3); Galatians (1); Genesis (8); Hosea (2); Isaiah (1); Jeremiah (4); Joel (1); John (3); Judges (6); Lev. (3); Luke (2); Mark (1); Matthew (2); Numbers (10); Proverbs (4); Rev. (1); Romans (2); Ruth (8); and Titus (2).

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Q: Where is the word husband found in the Bible?
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