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Vitamin D or calcipherol its can be founded in our diet or can be product by our body during sunbath.

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Q: Where is vitamin d produce?
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Does sunlight produce Vitamin C?

vitamin d

Where do you produce vitamin d?

you fart and the gasses in the fart produve vitamin d

What vitamin is synthesized in the skin with exposure to the sunlight?

Vitamin D is produced by ultraviolet radiation on your skin. The UV light converts a precursor molecule to vitamin D.

How can you get vitamin D from diet?

Mushrooms have been shown to produce vitamin D when exposed to UV. Eat mushrooms.

What vitamin do skin cells produce in response to sunlight?

In white people, and other people with the right gene, Vitamin D. Everybody produces melanin when exposed to the sun. Melanin is the chemical that darkens your skin as a defense against the sun.

What nutrient is found is fortified milk and cereal and sunlight help produce it in the body?

Vitamin D?

Which vegetable contain vitamin D -?

Green, leafy vegetables. when you are in the sun your body can produce its own vitamin D

How does vitamin D production play a part in the integumentary system?

the keratinocytes in the epidermal, when it exposed to UV light produce vitamin D

What do skin cells produce in the presents of sunlight?

Vitamin D

Can ultraviolet enable your body to produce vitamin D?


Is jade stone the source of vitamin d?

No, vitamin D is not from jade stone. Vitamin D is an animal product. Good food sources of vitamin D are milk, eggs, fish, beef, etc. We can also produce vitamin D in our skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (usually from the sun).

What is the vitamin that this nutrient is found in fortified milk and cerealsand sunlight helps produce it in the body?

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin.