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The vagina or urethra can pick up the infection through sexual contact. Although the yeast is not usually spread through sexual contact with a partner.

The ways you can develop a yeast infection is by a poor diet high in sugar content, using scented soap, and scented feminine products, tight or poorly ventilated underwear or pants, stress, poor personal hygiene, wearing a damp bathing suit or bottoms for an extended period of time and not drying the vaginal area thoroughly after a shower or bath.

Men can even develop yeast infections through having direct contact with a sexual partner who has one, without wearing a condom.

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13y ago

Yes and men can get them aswell as women... it can be worse for men.

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If I have a vaginal yeast infection and touched myself and then touched food can I spread it?

Yeast infections can be spread, but I am not sure the food would spread it. It is possible that a cold sore might develop. Cold sores are herpes simplex virus related to yeast infections. ***** You should always wash your hands before handling food or eating!

Can you get yeast infection from working out?

No. Yeast infections come from bacteria that spread in the area of your yeast infection. So generally, the way people exercise cannot possible lead a woman to get a yeast infection.

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Wearing starched undergarments may cause irritation which may mimic the symptoms of a yeast infection. Yeast infections can also be caused by wearing undergarments made of nylon and similar materials, as these do not absorb moisture well.

Do transsexuals get yeast infections?

They can. Both men and women get yeast infections.

Is yeast infection communicable or non communicable?

Yes, yeast infections can be contagious. For the most part only the sufferer will be at risk, although the infection can be spread to other people it's not spread easily. Genital yeast infections can be passed between partners, thus one reason not to have sex during a yeast infection.

What is diflucan prescribed for?

It is used to treat vaginal yeast infections.

Do guys get yeast infections more than girls?

No because guys dont get yeast infections

Can you catch yeast infection from another person?

No. Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a yeast that naturally exists in the vagina. Since you already have that yeast in you so you can't be "infected" by anyone else. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In fact the yeast, Candida, can be spread. That is how infants often get it - by putting things in their mouth. As someone who has dealt with massive yeast infections while nursing both my children, I can attest to the fact that the infection can be spread. I'm not positive that you can catch it from a toilet seat, but there are other ways to get it besides plain overgrowth and other places to get it besides the vagina.

Do hives have anything to do with yeast infections?


How can you tell if a man has a yeast infection?

A man that has a yeast infections may experience burning, itching or a rash around the penis. Yeast infections are not considered STD's , Never the less unprotected sex may mean a pardner can catch it as well. Yeast infections can be caused by a course of antibiotics that kills off the friendly flora in the gut. When that happens, candida albican can form, the infection that is responsible for yeast infections. Yeast infections treated with medications such as Monistat, which can be used by men and women.

Well zithromax treat a yeast infection?

No, Zithromax treats bacterial infections. It is not effective against fungal infections like yeast.

Does lexapro cause vaginal yeast infections?

No, yeast causes yeast infections, Lexapro may predispose you to being susceptible to the infection so follow good hygiene practices.