

Where is you forgot your password thing on zwinky?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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before you sign in press sign in at the top right of the zwinky desktop, then on the right of the box that just opened it should say forgot password? click on it, then put in your username in the box after that and an email should come to your email address and you will have a new pass, then change it to a pass that you will remember...... :) ... add me im th3numb3r0n3m4n :)))))

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Q: Where is you forgot your password thing on zwinky?
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Ok so you know how there is the login thing when get on the zwinky homepage well it asks for your username and pass and under the password box it says forgot your password, after typing in the hacked zwinky account username click the forgot pass word thing and type in your email (usually it only accepts the email address that you registered with). You will then receive new password in your email. Hope this helped!!!

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all you have to do is in the log-in click (forgot password) and put in your username and your e-mail and the zwinky creators will e-mail you a new password i hope this helped! :D my username in zwinky in natallie-b add meh! :D

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you go to the log in and you'll see forgot password you'll need to type in your username and then your secret question when your done check you zwinky email.

You cant remember your account or your password on zwinky how can you get your zwinky back?

Well... if you can't remember your password you could click forget password and if you forgot your username they must have sent you an e-mail saying what your new username and password was. You just have to remember the e-mail you used to set up your zwinky account

How do you get a hacked zwinky back?

it depends on what part got hacked. if someone changed your password, then you have to go to 'i forgot my password' and it will be sent to your e-mail. i dont know where the 'i forgot my password' thingy is, but im trying to find out

How do you get into your email if you forgot your password?

In the log in place there's usually a thing that says FORGOT MY PASSWORD close to password and you press that.......

I cant remember my password on zwinky?

You have to click "forgot password" then it pulls it up and it says to type in your username so you type in your user name then it takes you to another boz that askes you to type the answer to your secrect question then it sends a new password to your e-mail you used to make the Zwinky! Hope it helped! my name on zwinky is lilian333 add me if you will :)

How can i get back my zwinky account if i forgot which city i was born?

Funny thing to forget, ask your parents? i just got hacked on zwinky with zcard :@

How do you avoid hacking on zwinky?

If you want to avoid hacking on zwinky... If someone asks you your password , lie about your password If someone does hack your acount but doesn't change your password you need to check if the e-mail you put down and you pet name , teachers name , etc is the same then you need to change your password by logging out then clicking forgot password.

Why wont zwinky let you on the site?

Maybe u don't have it any more or you forgot ur password or username I did before it's ok