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Q: Where it exists in industrialized democracies today the tradition of hereditary rule or is largely ceremonial?
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What is ancestral chacters?

inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition"

What are the hats that the guards wear at buckingham palace called?

Queen Guards....they are named according to what part of the castle they protect(such as foot, queen ,etc.)

Where did democracy work?

AnswerAs far As I am aware, democracy has never been fully implemented, in any governmental body larger than a few dozen people.While the above is true for a proper direct democracy, many people consider representative republics with a strong liberal tradition to be democracies in common parlance. These types of democracies are quite common throughout North and South America as well as Europe not including the Former Soviet Union.

What is the difference between ritual and tradition?

A ritual is just a body of ceremonies, like an act or series of a ceremonial acts. A tradition is something that may be practiced, but is mostly the passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation. Some rituals may even be random, but traditions are practiced and continuous.

How are democracies able to accommodate social diversities?

Social diversity in democracies is usually protected by COUNTERMAJORITARIAN HUMAN RIGHTS, which most liberal democracies will secure in their Constitutions, Basic Laws, Treaty Obligations, or Legal Traditions (in such places where legal tradition has a binding effect like the United Kingdom). However, while human rights is strongly correlated with democracy, it is completely possible to enforce human rights, in many respects, without democracy, like Singapore did during the Lee Kuan Yew years,It has also become a trend, especially in the Anglosphere, to "embrace diversity", meaning that people and businesses will generally promote the unique cultural and ethnic differences between citizens.

When did it become tradition to have an opening ceremony for every baseball game?

President William Howard Taft started the celebration in 1910 when he threw out the first pitch of the Washington Nationals and Philadelphia Athletics game. Each President since Taft has thrown out at least one ceremonial pitch since then.

Seven cups of Christ?

this is a reference to the tradition of the passover at the time of the last supper. there were seven ceremonial cup passings each signifying a different principle of history to the jews. the cup they all shared was the sixth cup,the cup Jesus asked to have passed was the seventh,and this was the passover(last cup).

How did czar nicholas the second become ruler?

Czar Nicholas II became ruler of Russia in 1894 after the death of his father, Czar Alexander III. He was the eldest son and heir to the throne, following the tradition of hereditary monarchy in Russia.

What is the history behind shrunken heads?

Shrunken heads were taken as ceremonial trophies by aboriginal Amazonian tribes. Although it is true that these trophies were taken occasionally by native warriors, curiosity among European explorers drove tribes to establish an industry around the procurement, processing, and selling of these grotesques for outstripping tradition.

What does the kola nut symbolize?

The kola nut is a symbol of hospitality, friendship, and unity in many African cultures. It is commonly used as a gesture of respect when welcoming guests or during ceremonial occasions. The act of breaking and sharing kola nuts is considered a sacred tradition that fosters connection and community among people.

History of wedding vase?

The wedding vase is used by many Native American tribes, and has been for centuries. Traditionally, water would be drunk from the vase by both the bride and groom during the wedding ceremony. Now, the vase is predominantly a ceremonial gift in the Native American tradition and it's used often in ceremony.

What is calendrical rites?

Calendrical rites are religious or ceremonial practices that are tied to specific dates on a calendar. These rituals or observances may be performed to mark significant events, seasons, or phases of the moon or sun. They are often used to honor deities, ancestors, or other spiritual beings within a particular cultural or religious tradition.