

Where might I go online to sell my old diamond jewelry?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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There are a few sites where you can go to sell my old diamond jewelry. will allow you to place free ads, and has a wide audience.

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Q: Where might I go online to sell my old diamond jewelry?
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Where can I sell diamond jewelry online?

Yes, you can sell your expensive diamond jewelry online. Cash for Diamonds, WP Diamonds, Wabash Diamond Buyers, Cash for Diamonds and Circa Jewels are online websites where you could sell your expensive diamond jewelry.

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Where is then best place to sell homemade jewelry?

Yes, you can sell your expensive diamond jewelry online. Cash for Diamonds, WP Diamonds, Wabash Diamond Buyers, Cash for Diamonds and Circa Jewels are online websites where you could sell your expensive diamond jewelry.

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You should have the jewelry appraised. If you have a lot you should sell it at a estate sale or auction. Otherwise, you should sell it to a jeweler or in an online auction.

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where can i sell my diamond rings? is an excellent place to sell jewelry.

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Diamond rings can be purchased from many different jewelry stores and online stores. Some examples of shops that sell diamond rings include Blue Nile, Kay Jewelers, and Zales.