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Q: Where on earth can a lunar eclipse are observed?
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When there is a lunar eclipse observed from earth what eclipse will be observed from moon?

From the Moon's surface, you would see a total solar eclipse.

How is a lunar and solar eclipse alike?

Both lunar and solar eclipses are the result of positioning 3 astronomical bodies (earth, sun and moon) in a straight line relative to the observer. A solar eclipse is observed when the sun, moon, and earth are positioned in a straight line with an observer on the earth. A lunar eclipse is observed when the sun, earth, and moon are in a straight line with an observer on the earth. A lunar eclipse, as observed by an observer on the earth would appear as a solar eclipse as observed by an observer on the moon.

Why did aristotle concluded that earth was round?

Because during a lunar eclipse, Aristotle observed that the shape of the earth was round.

Why is there a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?

There is a solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun from the Earth. A lunar eclipse is when the earth block the sun from the moon.

Is a lunar eclipse the shadow of the earth?

Yes. A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth's shadow falls on the moon.

What is the lunar eclipse part of?

The lunar eclipse is part of the sun, earth, and moon.

In a lunar eclipse the moon is between the earth and the sun?

No that's a solar eclipse in a lunar eclipse the Earth is between the sun and moon.

What is it called when there is a blocking of a view of the full moon when the moon passes through the earth's shadow?

It is called a Lunar Eclipse which happens at night. A Solar Eclipse occurs in the daytime when the moon passes between the sun and the earth, creating a shadow on the earth.

What are types of lunar eclipse?

A penumbral eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's penumbra.A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the Moon enters the umbra.A total lunar eclipse is when the Moon travels completely into the Earth's umbra.A selenelion or selenehelion or possibly horizontal eclipse occurs when both the Sun and the eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time.See link for more information

The moon casts a shadow on Earth during a?

An eclipse. When the Earth is in the Moon's shadow, it's a solar eclipse; when the Moon is in the Earth's shadow, it's a lunar eclipse.

What a lunar eclipse?

There are two types of eclipse : 1)Lunar eclipse 2)Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse is a situation, when the earth comes between sun and moon.

What about lunar eclipse?

There are two types of eclipse : Lunar eclipse (moon), Solar eclipse (sun) . Lunar eclipse is a situation, when the earth comes between sun and moon.