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Q: Where on the rollercoaster is the least amount of potential energy?
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Where does a roller coaster have the least kinetic energy?

At the tallest point on the track. Potential energy is given by U(Which is potential energy) = mass times height time gravitational constant. You can't change the gravitational constant, or the mass of the roller coaster car. So you have to change the height. PE=mgh so more the height and the mass the more PE

When you throw a ball in the air when does it have the least amount of gravitational potential energy?

Whenever it is at its lowest position.

When does the pendulum have the largest amount of gravitational potential energy?

When it stops: at the top of its swing.Related Information:You know this because it has the least kinetic energy at this point, but the kinetic and potential energies have to add up.

In what state of matter atoms move the slowest?

Solid, as they have the least amount of energy. Solid, as they have the least amount of energy. Solid, as they have the least amount of energy. Solid, as they have the least amount of energy.

Which orbital has the least amount of energy?

the innermost energy level has the least amount of energy

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who gets the least amount of energy in the food chain

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Tertiary consumer has the least amount of energy.....

In what state does a fixed amount of water have the least amount of kinetic energy?

Water has the least amount of kinetic energy as a solid.

What type of waves has the least amount of energy?

The type of wave that has the least amount of energy is the longitudinal wave. In contrast, the wave with the most amount of energy is a seismic wave.

Which organism in the food web receives the least amount of energy from the produces?

Tertiary consumers receive the least amount of energy from producers.

What color carries the least amount of energy?

red light has the least energy of any visible (to humans) color, and violet has the most energy. The amount of energy carried by light is directly proportional to its frequency; the higher the frequency, the more energetic the light is.

How is potential and kenetic energy different?

Potential energy is the energy in which you have when you are standing or sitting still. Though doesn't have to be completely still, to be at least still and trying not to move, a majority of your energy is Potential. Kinetic energy is the energy of any and all living things. So, if you are moving, you have a majority of Kinetic energy. If you are being still, then you have Potential energy.