

Where scribes priests?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: Where scribes priests?
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Did priests and nobles rank higher than scribes?

Yes, the priests and the nobles were ranked higher than scribes.

What was an ancient Egyptian civil servant called?

The civil servant from Ancient Egypt is called scribes or sekhau.

Who was mad at Jesus?

The Pharisees, the Priests, the Lawyers, the Scribes, and the Sadducees.

What was the job of the ancient Mesopotamian nobles?

Priests and scribes

What jobs did Egyptians have?

Egyptians were scribes, farmers, slaves, fishermen, and priests.

What were priests that specialized in writing called?

Scribes, Bible scholars, scriptorium workers.

What are early people called who wrote for their civilization?

They were called scribes, historians, or priests.

Why do you think priests and scribes held such high ranks?

I think because they both are really important. Priests because they tell people who should believe in. Also scribes because they can write down laws and pharaohs name, etc.

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What was the place of the pharaoh priests scribes craftsman and peasant?

The vizier was the second most powerful official.He was the pharaoh's most trusted advisor. Nobles in Egyptian society were related to the pharaoh, priests, scribes, doctors, lawyers, or important military personnel.

What relations did scribes in ancient Egypt have with their pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

There were things called Royal Scribes that were the pharoah's personal scribe (if they were the top royal scribe;there were many). But there were also many scribes that had nothing to do with the government of Ancient Egypt.

What were the layers of Egyptian society?

At the top was the pharaoh, nobles, priests, scribes, soldiers, farmers and slaves.