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Farthest away from the pivot point.

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Q: Where should a force be applied to a lever arm to produce the most torque?
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In what direction should a force be applied to produce maximum torque?

In a perpendicular direction to the rotating body.

How it is possible for a large force to produce only a small or even zero torque?

if large force is applied keeping the minimum moment arm then it produces a very small torque or even no torque.

What force is applied to a lever?


What is the torque of a 500 Newton force applied to a 30 meters wrench?

What is the torque of a 500 Newton force applied to a 30 meters wrench?

Can a small force produce a greater torque than a large force?

Can a small force ever exert a greater torque than a larger force? Explain yes it is possible if small force is applied with a larger moment arm(lever arm) as compared to larger force.

Can a torque be balanced by a single force?

The effect of a torque is to produce angular acceleration and that of the force is to produce linear acceleration. Since the effects of both torque and force are entirely different, therefore, a torque cannot be balanced by a single force.

How does a large force produce a small torque and it is possible for a small force to produce a large torque?

Torque is the product of (force) x (distance from the center of rotation).So with a distance from the center that's large enough or small enough,any force can produce as much or as little torque as you want.

Does a lever pivot on a fulcrum or a torque?

Fulcrum. Torque is the force applied to move the lever

What is the energy of torque?

Static torque is basically an applied force, but applied about a centre instead of in a straight line. Dynamic torque, such as that produced by an engine, is a force translated from a straight line (piston) to a circular path (crank) and since its a force at a velocity, its rated as power.

What is the relation between torque and speed?

Torque is a force times a distance (the distance from the rotation axis where the force is applied). The angle at which the force is applied can also play a role. It is not directly related to speed.Torque is a force times a distance (the distance from the rotation axis where the force is applied). The angle at which the force is applied can also play a role. It is not directly related to speed.Torque is a force times a distance (the distance from the rotation axis where the force is applied). The angle at which the force is applied can also play a role. It is not directly related to speed.Torque is a force times a distance (the distance from the rotation axis where the force is applied). The angle at which the force is applied can also play a role. It is not directly related to speed.

Which has a greater torque a perpendicular force applied at the end of a wrench handle or an equal force applied in the same direction near the middle of the handle?

the perpendicular force applied at the end of a wrench handle. Because torque= Fd / T = F d cos θ therefore the greater the distance the greater the torque. T=torque F=force d=distance cos=cosine θ=theta

Can a force produce a torque when there is no lever arm?

no because to get a torque you must multiply lever arm by force. If lever is zero, then torque is zero