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Horses should be kept in a clean safe environment. This means that manure should be cleaned up daily and there should not be debris or trash sitting in the barn or paddocks. Safe means that the fences should be of an appropriate type and of adequate height and in good repair. There should also be some sort of companion(s) for the horse, be it another horse, or something like a goat. Also water and feed should always be in supply.

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Q: Where should you keep your horse?
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You can put a heavy blanket on a horse in the winter to help keep the horse warm and keep dirt and mud off. Also you can keep a very lightweight blanket on the horse in the summer to keep dirt,dust,and mostly flies off your horse.

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a horse can live in a field but in the winter it should have a rug on to keep it warm and dry or you could put it in a stable for just the winter or all year round.

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Your mom must have a reason for wanting to sell your horse, so you should find out that reason and go see your horse alot to try to fix that go see your horse today

What should you expect out of a Thoroughbred Race Horse?

It will take three times the feed of any other horse just to keep the ribs from showing.

How often should a horse s stall be cleaned if the horse is in it frequently?

A horse's stall should theoretically be kept clean at all times, but since most of us can't keep it clean all the time it should be cleaned at least once a day.

How big an area should a horse have for grazing?

A horse can have as big area for grazing just don't make it too small. I keep my horses in about 1-2 acres and my horse is healthy.

How much sunlight does a horse need?

if its a really nice sunny day, Your horse should have its rug off and in the sun.A horse needs a couple of hours a day of sun to keep them healthy.