

Where should you put your tent to get shelter and warmth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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well if u wanna find a good place go in the forest or moutains where are no dangerous things or animals than go find a place under a tree that has branches that are tough and won't fall and build your tent

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Q: Where should you put your tent to get shelter and warmth?
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you will want to seek shelter such as your tent or tarp. When camping it's important to make sure you are placing your tent in an area that will not collect water if it rains heavily. It is ideal to put your tent some where where the water will run off. It is also important depending on how good your tent is, to "trench" your tent area. This involve using a shovel or stick or rock to dig out a trench around the entire tent area and away from the tent where it will run off. this will prevent the water from pooling underneath the tent. Purchasing a "dry sac" can really help for storing emergency items such as clothing, jacket or even an entire sleeping bag in case you get caught in a storm before you've had time to set up your tent.

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they need air,food,water and warmth to grow.if you put the bread in a plastic bag and put it in the warmth place,the fungi will grow.

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by the derations

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George Washington Army Tent refers to the tent that campers put up when they go to the wild. This is in reference to the tent that George Washington did build during the American Revolutionary War.

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Where to put a shelter when camping?

Regardless of what you are sleeping in it needs to be on a piece of high ground. I have set up tents in camp before and found them to be in a low spot only after the rain came and flooded the tent. Look at the area closely. If you are in a tent and sleeping on the ground, police the area (clean it of twigs and rocks) before you set up the tent. Once you have set up the tent you are committed to that area for the night unless you want to move the tent in the dark. Even the smallest pebble or twig or root will feel like a buick under you when you sleep. Keep the tent away from the fire pit. Ashes can and will burn holes through the tent. If you can see the stars through the burn holes then you can feel the rain too. Do not pitch the tent in a highly used path that is used by people or animals. Do not pitch the tent too close to the latrine area.

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