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Q: Where the seat of power was for the british empire?
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What is a centralized empire?

A centralized empire is a vast empire that has a single base power and several colonies. A strong example of this is the British empire. The British empire was ruled by the British parliament and Queen of England, however it had several colonies that made up the empire.

What imperial power controlled Gambia?

It was part of the British empire.

What is the song when I ruled the world about?

The song is about the British Empire's fall from power

What city was the seat of power for both the Roman empire and the Catholic Church?

The seat of power of the Catholic Church is the Vatican. This is a very small area in the centre of Rome (which comprises the Basilica of St Peter's, several buildings and a big garden) and is an independent city-state.

How were the British able to control their vast empire in the 18th and 19th century?

naval power

What was the British interested in colonizing to obtain?

Wealth, power and a world empire.

Who has more power over the British empire?

the government conteroled the empire so it would be the prime minister but officialy it would be the queen

Why did the British spread the British empire?

To gain power and a larger influence over the world. Without the British Empire, we wouldn't have most of the technology, medicines, Etc. That we have today, most of the money went into the army and scientific research.

Who had the greatest empire?

The Roman Empire which straddled three continents. But the largest modern world empire would be the British Empire which contained lands in Europe Australia Asia Africa I think South America and in the 1700s, North America

What was the imperial time period?

The imperial time period generally refers to the period when an empire was in power. There have been many imperial time periods throughout history, such as the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the British Empire. Each empire had its own peak period of influence and power.

What the allied power from world war 2?

United States, British Empire, Soviet Union.

Which countries were ruled by the British empire?

the india british nation has over power several countries,many countries are britished ruled imparticular,and british emprecountry,australia.ETC