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Unusable Torah-scrolls are buried in a separate plot in a Jewish cemetery. This must be done with Rabbinic supervision.

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Q: Where to bury a damaged Torah Scroll?
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Can Torah scroll ever be considered so damaged that it doesn't need to be buried?

If there is any remaining residue of the scroll, even if it is nothing more than a spoonful of ash, you can still bury it. Of course, a spoonful of ash is pretty easy to bury. There can certainly be cases in which you cannot locate any remaining residue, so there is nothing to bury. If, let us say, an entire synagogue burns to the ground, you cannot really separate the Torah ash from the rest of the ash. In that case you can reasonably give up the effort at ceremonial burial.

Where is a Torah buried?

The parchment on which the Torah text is written is properly called a Torah scroll or, in Hebrew, a Sefer Torah (sefermeans book). A Torah scroll that is damaged or worn out is treated the same as a deceased Jewish person: it is buried in a cemetery (or at least in the ground), with a burial ceremony and mourning.

What happens to the Torah scrolls wen they are to used and worn?

When a Torah is no longer usable it is given a proper burial.

What is judaism holy scroll called?

The scroll that contains the 5 'books' of Moses is called the Torah.

Where was the Torah scroll made?

The first Torah scroll was written by Moses (Deuteronomy 31:24).

What is a Torah-scroll chest?

The Torah scroll is stored in a special cabinet called the Holy Ark.

Why are damaged Torah-scrolls buried?

If the damage is confined to one relatively small area, then that piece can be removed and either repaired or replaced. If the damage is spread throughout a large part of the scroll, such as the result of flood or fire damage, then the entire scroll is retired. In either case, the damaged section or scroll are buried, in a Jewish cemetary. Also in either case, a Torah with any fault, damage, or blemish may not be used for the public reading during the synagogue service, even if the damaged part is far from the portion being read. Any reading from any part of the text requires a completely perfect scroll.

What is the Torah read from?

A Torah scroll, a Tanakh, a book with the Torah in it...! There are countless possibilities!

Is the Torah always in scroll form?

When used in prayer services, the Torah is always in scroll form. When it is studied in classrooms or study groups, it is almost NEVER in scroll form, except to show students what a Torah scroll looks like. When the Torah is in book form, it is often called a Humash or Pentateuch.

Is the jews holy book a scroll?

Yes, the Torah is a parchment scroll containing 5845 verses. Every synagogue has a Torah scroll.

Is the Torah a book or a scroll?

It's a scroll, but you can buy it in the form of a book.

What do you do if a page of the Torah is ripped?

Repair it. The Torah-scroll parchments can be sewn.