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At Spencers or any novalty store. Not completely sure if ur fart will actually SMELL good but if that's all u eat for a few months is jelly beans.... I'm sure ur fart will smell like jelly beans eventually. Hope I helped. Lol

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Q: Where to buy jelly beans that make your farts smell good?
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because they smell good

Why do farts smell good?

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cause it good

My boyfriend really likes jelly beans what are some good ideas for a Christmas present for him involving jelly beans?

look around and see if you can find a heart that is clear and is filled with jelly beans

Why do peoples farts smell good to themselves?

Because they are in total denial!

Is there a pill that makes farts smell good?

No but there is one that prevents you from having gas.

What are good veggies and beans to eat for gout?

beans? they produce a lot of gas from your butt. do not let the gas out in school! the people who smell it would grab their nose, but your fart might be loud so they will know who farted and make fun of you especially your a girl because girl farts smell more then boys' farts. I know that because I once smelt a girl's fart in school and it was NASTY! I soon found out that Ava let the gas out.

Who eats jelly beans for dinner?

I do... Why must you make me feel bad... some people love jelly beans and some do not. What type of question is this anyway? Good-Bye- JBL123

What is healthier jelly beans or popsicles?

Though both contain flavoring and sometimes fruit, Jelly beans are healthier as eating Popsicle can give you a cold, plus majority of people are allergic to cold things. You can't say that jelly beans are good for you, but they are better than popsicles.

How bad can farts smell?

Oh its not good at all, they smell like rotten eggs or really really bad like the mushroom farm.

Why do refrigerated cooked pinto beans smell funny?

If they don't smell good, then don't use them.

Are starburst brand jelly beans gluten free?

Yes they are! Yum good too.