

Best Answer

I'd try the Cabelas website. They have a nice selection of them.

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Q: Where to get a bed for a large dog?
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What qualities should you look for in a dog bed for a large dog?

There shouldn't be specific qualities in a dog bed other than that it should big enough for your dog, and that it is comfortable enough I guess.

Where should great danes sleep?

On the floor in an extra-large dog bed.

Train your dog to sleep in a dog bed?

First, try sitting in the dog bed and having the dog sit next to you. Show the dog the bed is OK and it is ment for them. If your dog is 'food oriented' use treats to persuade the dog to the bed and keep it there. :)

How do you get dog out of your bed?

Treats. lure the dog off the bed into his bed with treats and when and if the dog gets back on your bed, scold him and put him back in his own bed and say stay. If he doesn't get back onto your bed give him a treat.

Who invented the first dog bed?

a dog

What should you do if your puppy ate his dog bed?

take him to the vets and get a new dog bed. simples.

How much is it for a large dog bed?

There is no accurate way to answer this. First of all, you didn't mention a country or location. Second of all, it depends on the brand. And third of all it depends on the materials used to make it. Using my own currency, based on the factors above, a large dog bed could cost anything from £30 to £250.

Dog has become possessive of her bed?

The dog has probably buried something in it's bed and doesn't want you to find it. My dog does that quite often.

Where does a labrador puppy sleep?

If it is a indoor dog get him/her a x-large dog bed and put it near your bedroom or even in your bedroom some sleep in the bed with you it all depends on how spoiled you want your dog.If it is a outdoor then get him/her a really good dog house and put an old blanket inside.Just remember when it is very hot or very cold the dog should come inside.

What is a standard double bed?

a large bed.

What is couch on a dog?

Couch on a dog is simply the sofa in which a dog is on it.

Where should an eight week old German shepherd sleep?

In a comfortable dog bed. Irecommend you bring your dog to the pet store [or were ever you're getting the bed] and let your dog pick out the bed.