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Q: Where tropical forest vegetation remains and the nutrient cycle is still intact the soil is?
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What is the tropical vegetation?


What is vegetation in the tropical climate?

The vegetation varies:- Tropical Rain forest Cloud Forrest Savanna grasslands are all types of vegetation cover in tropical climates.

What About the vegetation of the tropical rain forest?

i am sooo cool

What is the vegetation of Ecuador?

Tropical rainforest, Cloud Forest, Tropical deciduous forest, Polylepis forest.

What is the soil type for the tropical rain forest?

generally nutrient poor

The amount of what generally determines vegetation in a tropical rain forest?


Concept of forest wealth in India?

forest wealth of india means the different types of vegetation in india like the tropical rain forest,tropical decidious forest,thorn forest etc.

What are the six major vegetation types in the world?

Major Vegetation types of world-examples(A) Vegetation of Cold Latitudes & High mountains,Arctic Tundra(B) Vegetation of Temperate Zones(C) Steppe & Savannas(D) Tropical rain forest(E) Tropical deciduous & Scrub forest

Most common vegetation of the tropical zones of east Asia?

rain forest:)

Which is better suited for agricultural development Soil of a tropical rain forest or soil of a temperate deciduous forest?

The soil of a temperate deciduous forest would be best for agriculture as it is nutrient rich from decaying litter (compost). Tropical soil tends to be acidic and nutrient poor

What biom has thin nutrient poor acidic soil?

Canopy in a Tropical Rain forest.

What vegetation is in Queensland?

Tropical rain forest, temperate rain forest, savannah, mulga, scrub, plantation species, desert,