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Auschwitz was the name of a group of Nazi concentration camps and an extermination camp in occupied Poland. It is important because an estimated 1.15 million victims were killed there - the highest death toll at any Nazi camp or complex of camps.

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Q: Where was Auschwitz and why was this place important in World War 2?
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What war were the Auschwitz camps?

Auschwitz was around during World War II.

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How many people died at Auschwitz in one day World War 1?

Auschwitz did not exist at that time.

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Why was Auschwitz important during the war?

it was the largest death camp in the holocaust, that along with Dachau

During what mayjor event in the history of the world did the events Auschwitz occur?

World War 2

How many Auschwitz camps were in World War 2?

there was a total of three Auschwitz camps that were significant in World War II. Each Auschwitz had a different purpose. Auschwitz I was created to incarcerate prisoners at forced labor. Auschwitz II was built as the Execution or Death Camp, holding more Gas Chambers than any of the three Auschwitz camps. Auschwitz III was a Labor Education Camp for non-Jewish prisoners who were perceived to have violated German-imposed labor discipline.

How many deaths were there in Auschwitz during World War 2?

1.2 million

Who walked left when they arrived at Auschwitz in World War 2?

At Auschwitz 'to the left' meant immediate gassing; 'to the right' meant 'selected for work'.

Which World War 2 concentration camp did Russia liberate?

The most famous was Auschwitz.

What were some Concentration Camps during World War 2?

Auschwitz I Birkenau (Auschwitz II) Belzec Bergen-Belsen Chelmno Dachau Monowitz (Auschwitz III) Sobibor Treblinka Warsaw Westerbork