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180 AD

The zoetrope is a device which creates the image of a moving picture. The earliest elementary zoetrope was created in China around 180 AD by the prolific inventor Ting Huan

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Q: Where was animation invented?
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When was computer animation invented?

Computer animation was inventid inYour mom!

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clay animation began a short time after the invention of a clay-like substance called plasticine. Plasticine was invented in 1897!

What was invented in the animation field in 1828?

no. i would like to know the answer though.

Who invented animation and why?

I don't know who did but they did it because they wanted to entertain kids.

When was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs animation version invented?

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Who invented cartoon film?

James Stuart Blackton created the first silent film with animation. James along with Emile Cohl, are considered the fathers of film animation.

Why was animation popular in the 1920's?

In the 1920's Tv had not been invented yet, people listened to shows on the radio. Animation was very new and the first length film did not appear until the 1930's.

Where was Wall-E invented?

well wall-e is a character in a movie so i don't know were the computer animation was built.

How did animation got invented?

Animation was developed through a series of technological advancements and experiments by inventors starting in the early 19th century. One of the key milestones was the creation of the zoetrope in the 1830s, followed by the invention of the thaumatrope, phenakistoscope, and praxinoscope. These early devices laid the foundation for the evolution of animation as we know it today.

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What is the alternative name for 2D Animation?

Cell animation Hand Drawn animation frame by frame traditional animation