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Q: Where was dunkleosteus discovered?
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What were dangerous animals in the Devonian period?

Primitive sharks like Stelacanthus, predatory fish like Dunkleosteus, and primitive yet huge arthropods and amphibians,

Who discovered Saturn moons?

The first person to discover Saturn`s moons was Christian Huygens in 1655. The following moons discovered in order are: Titan Discovered:1655 Discovered by:Christian Huygens Iapetus Discovered:1671 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Rhea Discovered:1672 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Tethys Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Dione Discovered:1684 Discovered by:Giovanni Cassini Enceladus Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Mimas Discovered:1789 Discovered by:William Herschel Hyperion Discovered:1848 Discovered by:William Lassell Phoebe Discovered:1898 Discovered by:William Pickering Janus Discovered:1965-1966 Discovered by: Audouin Dollfus Epimetheus Discovered:1966 Discovered by:Richard Walker Helene Discovered:1980 Discovered by: Pierre Laques Telesto Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Bradford Smith Calypso Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Dan Pascu Prometheus Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Pandora Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Stewart Collins Atlas Discovered:1980 Discovered by:Richard Terrile Pan Discovered:1981 Discovered by:Showalter Other astronomers:Kevin Beurile, Brett Gladman, Matthew Holman and others. If you want to see the rest, go to to see the article Timeline discovery of solar system planets and their moons.

When were the rings on Neptune discovered?

they were discovered 17 days after the planet itself was discovered.

Which microbes they discovered?

they discovered pencilene

How was nitrogen discovered?

I`m not sure how it was discovered, but it was discovered by Daniel Rutherford in 1772. I`ll get back to you on how it was discovered... :P

Related questions

Who would win the fight dunkleosteus or megalodon?

Tough One. I Would Chose Either But I Would Have To Go With Megalodon Because It Is Much Larger Than The Dunkleosteus. Despite The Dunkleosteus Having Tough Armor, Megalodon Could Have Bitten Through Dunkleosteus Easily. And Megalodon Also Had Much More Bigger Speed So It Could Catch Up With The Dunkleosteus Easily. NOTE: THEY DID NOT MEET! Megalodon First Appeared Around In The Miocene Era But Dunkleosteus First Appeared Around At The Devion Era.

Why was the dunkleosteus extinct?

The dunkleosteus lives in the warmer climates and was Thoth to swim in the shallow

Does the Dunkleosteus live today?

no, it lived long ago

What ancient extinct fish had a bite pressure of 80000 psi?


Who would win basilosaurus or dunkleosteus?

probably whale would win

What was the largest placoderm?

The largest placoderm,or armored fish, is Dunkleosteus terelli

What killed the dunkleosteus?

lack of food and too much shallow water

How would win megalodon or dunkleosteus?

Megalodon, they were larger,heavier, and stronger bite force.

What kind of fish lived in the Devonian period?

Pander's Fish (Panderichthys) EusthenopteronObruchevichthys Elpistostege Ceratodus Dunkleosteus

What type of water did the dunkleosteus live in salt or fresh?

it lived in salt because it ate sharks and other fish

What was hazardous or dangerous during the Devonian period?

Being in the vicinity of a Dunkleosteus, a large armored fish that liked to eat.

What is the dunkleosteus?

A dunkleosteous is a fish that lived in the water. during the devonian period They could be atleast 50 ft. long and could open their mouths 50 times in one second.