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The "word "catholic" means universal. St. Ignatius born in Antioch, which is present day Turkey, though still part of Rome at that time. He was born around 50 A.D. and died a martyr's death around 98-117 A.D. His use of the word "Catholic" to designate the Church is the first use that we have in writing, although it is probable that it was used from the beginning. He was one of the church's first defenders of the faith against pagan Rome and like thousands of Christians during these years he died for his beliefs.


Catholic AnswerIn Jerusalem, the Catholic faith was founded by Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, on His Apostle, Peter (St. Matthew 16:17-19), the Church was born from the side of Christ as He hung dead on the cross and His side was pierced by the soldier's lance and blood and water flowed out. Later it was shown to the world, at Pentecost, when Our Blessed Lord sent the Holy Spirit.
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The Church was founded on Pentecost in Jerusalem about the year 33 AD.

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Q: Where was the Catholic Church first founded?
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