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Q: Where was the Line of Demarcation divided undiscovered land in the world between where?
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The Line of Demarcation divided undiscovered land in the world between .?

Spain and Portugal

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas create that divided the undiscovered lands of the New World?

Line of Demarcation

How demarcation divided world trade and exploration rights between?

Spanish and Portuguese

The Line of Demarcation was an imaginary line that divided settlement rights around the world between which two countries?

Spain and Portugal

What 2 countries were involved in the demarcation of the new world?

Spain and Portugal were the two main countries involved in the demarcation of the New World through the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. This treaty divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two nations along a meridian line.

How was the new world ultimately divided?

The new world was ultimately divided by the Pope. When he divided the new world it was called split the line of Demarcation. Later on the lands would be divided again and this was called the Treaty of Tordesillas.

The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the new world between what two countries?

The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. It was signed in 1494 and aimed to settle disputes over newly discovered lands by establishing a line of demarcation between the two countries' spheres of influence.

Who divided the New World lands between Spain and Portugal?

The Pope split the Land of the New World between Spain and Portugal they called this split the line of Demarcation which was eventually moved again through the Treaty of Tordesillas

What is the demarcation line between north Korea and south Korea?

The demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea is a ceasefire line.Koreans are also confused about a ceasefire line and 38 line.38 line was a line that US and Soviet Union divided North and South after World War II. A ceasefire line made after Korean War.

The Line of Demarcation was drawn to divide the New World between which two countries?

Spain and Portugal

What is the demarcation line between the north and south?

The demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea is a ceasefire line.Koreans are also confused about a ceasefire line and 38 line.38 line was a line that US and Soviet Union divided North and South after World War II. A ceasefire line made after Korean War.

What was the purpose of the line of demarcation?

The purpose of the line if demarcation was for Spain and Portugal see what part of the world was theirs