

Where was the Mary Queen of Scots brought up?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Linlithgow Palace, Linlithgow, Scotland.

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Q: Where was the Mary Queen of Scots brought up?
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Who was sent to France to be brought up in court of the king?

Mary, Queen of the Scots

Why did Mary queen of Scots want to murder queen elizibath?

The opposite is true. Elizabeth had Mary brought up on charges- and executed at Fotheringhay castle in l587. Mary was literally axed. on the second stroke her head was completely severed from her body, and her wig fell off.

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Mary queen of Scots had 4 husbands one Jeff coul who ended up being blown up two straut gardens who was divorced James smith who died naturally and the fourth who became a vidower

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Was Mary Queen of Scots protestant?

Mary was a spearhead of hope for the Catholic population of England. They saw her as a prospective Catholic leader. However Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles can only be proven to be have been involved with one plot. However, seeing that she had been under house arrest for 19 years, It is more than possible she just wanted to escape. It would be a difficult position.

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They were brought up in different faiths. Mary saw Elizabeth as a threat.

How did Mary 1 queen of Scots die?

She was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle in 1587 after being found guilty on trumped up charges.

Was Queen Elizabeth I religious?

If you mean Queen Elizabeth I then sort of as she was brought up a protestant and wasn't really bothered about religion during her reign. Some catholics however did try to ovethrow her including the Mary Queen of Scots who she executed. If you mean Elizabeth II then she is christian but I don't imagine her being deeply religious or anything overdramtic

Why was Mary thrown off the throne?

Mary I of England ('Bloody Mary') died of natural causes in 1558. She was not dethroned. Mary I of Scotland ('Mary, Queen of Scots') was executed on the orders of Elizabeth I of England for stirring up anti-Protestant feelings.

Where was Mary queen of Scots held captive in England?

Her cousin, Queen Elizabeth, saw her as a threat. When Mary fled to her cousin for protection, her cousin was not sure what to do. If she sent Mary back, her people might get angry and revolt. If she kept Mary in England, her [people might decide they wanted a Catholic priest and try to crown Mary and dethrone her. So Elizabeth locked her up. After 19 years in prison, Mary was found guilty of treason, and was executed.

When did Mary Queen of Scots die?

Died Feb. 8, 1587Mary Queen of Scots died on the 8th of February 1587 by execution.Mary, Queen of Scots, also known as Mary Stuart ( which was her family name) was executed by Axe in l587. The axe-wielding executioner was allowed Three strokes to perform the tragic deed, he managed in two- The second strike neatly severing her neck and head from the body, as her head was lifted up to show she was dead, her red wig fell off. a tragic end to a beautiful queen.