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The cotton was sent by ship to textile manufacturers in the North and in Europe.

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Q: Where was the cotton sent to textile manufacturers other than north?
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Why did the Confederacy want recognition from other countries?

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What was the main reason that England lost its hold on the textile industry?

The main reason that England lost its hold on the textile industry was the discovery that cotton could be grown in the United States by using slave labor. The United States, then began exporting its cotton to other countries.

What is cotton used for in Mexico?

It is mostly used for clothing and other textile production applications (sheets, curtains, carpets).

What is cotton use in Mexico?

It is mostly used for clothing and other textile production applications (sheets, curtains, carpets).

Why did New England become the national center for textile manufacturing during the antebellum period?

By the middle of the century, the South provided the bulk of cotton used in New England and British textile factories. Inventions, patents, and production of machinery for other kinds of agriculture followed the developments in cotton.

What was the main reason the England lost its on the textile industry?

The main reason that England lost its hold on the textile industry was the discovery that cotton could be grown in the United States by using slave labor. The United States, then began exporting its cotton to other countries.

What was the main reason that England lost its hold on the textile industry's?

The main reason that England lost its hold on the textile industry was the discovery that cotton could be grown in the United States by using slave labor. The United States, then began exporting its cotton to other countries.

What was the main reason that England lost's hold on the textile industry?

The main reason that England lost its hold on the textile industry was the discovery that cotton could be grown in the United States by using slave labor. The United States, then began exporting its cotton to other countries.

What is part of speech for Cotton?

The word 'cotton' is a noun and a verb.The noun 'cotton' is a word for a plant that is used as textile fiber and other byproducts; a word for a thing.The verb 'cotton' is a word meaning to begin to understand; to have a liking for; a word for an action.

What scientific and technological changes promoted industrialization in the textile industry in England?

The industry that, probably more than any other, gave its character to the British Industrial Revolution was the cotton-textile industry.

What is th symbol for cotton?

The Textile Fiber Products Identification Act [TFPIA] requires all clothing to have labels that identify the fiber contents of each article. As with other fibers, the representation for cotton isn't a symbol, but the word cotton. The graphic symbol's the seal of Cotton Incorporated.

Is linen the same as cotton?

No.Linen is a textile made from the fibers of the flax plant.Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple fiber, which can be used to make other textiles.However, although linen cannot be technically made of cotton, cotton in a linen weave can be loosely referred to as linen.