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Q: Where was the country's first water works system found?
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Why do scientist say water is first found on earth?

Because that is the first place they found it. It is not the only or the first place to actually have water, but Earth is where we found it first.

Where else in the solar system can water be found?

Well water is found on Mars, and some of Jupiters Moons

Does any other planet have water?

Also the first planet outside our solar system ,HD 209458b, is told to have water, they found this because of the vapour in it's atmosphere.

What countrys are effected by water scarcity?

the impact on water scarcity is a good variety of the world loosing water. but no body really knows why the ocean is up.

What was the first cell found?

in the water

Where was the first shark found?

In water

Is hydrogen found in a living system?

Yes, hydrogen is found in every organism that has water in it. You for example.

Who was the first person who found water on moon?

Dr. Jessica Sunshine found water on the moon back in 2009.

Who developed the first municipal water system?

The Romans.

Why does water need to be boiled when bacteria are found in the water system?

Because the bacteria can be harmful to health and boiling will kill them.

How do third world countrys get their water?

They import it from aliens? I don't really know, ask your teacher! from rivers and wells

What was the water called that the first cells were found in?

primal soup.