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Q: Where was the first German plane shot down in World War 2?
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What aeroplane shot down the first German plane over Britain in World War 2?


Was the actor Leslie Howard shot down by German war planes?

His plane went down, but it is a mystery to this day as to what exactly happened.

What was First German aircraft shot down over Scotland in World War 2?

A Heinkel 111 was shot down and the swastica removed from the tail is now in Edinburgh Castle

What happend on October 5th 1914?

There were several notable events that occurred on October 5th, 1914. The first battle of Ypres, a significant battle during World War I, began on this day. Additionally, the Great War in Europe saw several other actions, including the Battle of Arras and fighting on the Eastern Front between Germany and Russia. Overall, October 5th, 1914, marked a significant moment in the early stages of World War I.

Where do you go on nabooti island plane poptropica?

First you go to the muesem and then go down then find a lady she'll give you a map then you can fly the plane. The plane is on the right.

What was the first war plane called?

There's a bit of competition for which plane could be thought of as the first. The first to shoot down an enemy aircraft was a French Voisin III two-seater pusher biplane. In 5th of October 1914, the crew shot down a German Aviatik B.1. However, experiments in putting machine guns in aircraft predated WW1. As early as 1912 the military was trying to arm aircraft, with limited success.

What did a fighter plane mean in World War 2?

A fighter plane in world war 2 is much like what a modern fighter plane is today. These planes are aircraft designed with the intention of shooting down other planes. Planes like the American P-51 Mustang, German ME-109 and Japanese Zero were designed to be as fast and maneuverable as possible while having offensive weapons like machine guns and armor to protect the pilot. They would fly missions to take control of the sky by shooting down the enemies planes.

How did the boys arrive on the is land in lord of the flies?

the boys believe their plane was shot down by a fighter plane, since they are in the midst of World War II.

Was there a plane full of british school boys shot down during World War 2?


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because of weight it goes down faster

Who was the German Corporal in World War 1?

There's too many of them. Narrow it down.

Which president's plane was shot down in World War 2?

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