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Q: Where was the first cell phone inveted by dr cooper sold?
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What year did martin cooper inveted the cell phone?

in April 2011 it is the right answer because i check

Where was the cell phone first used?

The cell phone was first used in New York City by Martin Cooper

How was the first cell phone made?

martn cooper

Who was the first person to create the cell phone?

Alexander Grambell DID create the first cell phone, he was the inventor of the telephone. aMrtin Cooper invented the cell phone.

Who made the first call with a cell phone?

Martin cooper

Who Made the First Cell Phone in this world?

Martin Cooper

Who made the first cell phone call?

martin cooper!

What was the first cellphone made by martin cooper?

it was a Motorola cell phone

When the first cell phone was invented?

Bell labs made a first cell phone in 1947, but Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973 made a cell phone most like we have today.

What are facts about the cell phone?

The cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper in 1973. The first one was made in New York.

When was was Martin cooper born?

Martin cooper invented the first cell phone. idk where he was born and/or raised.... sorry

What year was the first cell invented?

The first cell phone was crested/invented in the year 1973 by Martin Cooper.