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Q: Where was the first time since the civil war that a states armed forces were used to oppose the authority of the federal government?
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Why did Webster and Jackson oppose nullification?

Webster and Jackson opposed nullification because they believed that it undermined the authority of the federal government and threatened the stability of the Union. They argued that only the federal courts, not individual states, had the authority to interpret and enforce the Constitution. They believed that nullification would lead to the disintegration of the Union and ultimately weaken the power of the federal government.

Why did president Hoover oppose the federal government's participation in relief?

because oh gods pickle

What federal public works projects did Herbert Hoover oppose?

required borrowing money and government deficit spending.

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Jefferson and Madison believed that the constitution discouraged the concentration of the power in the federal government.

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Why did hoover oppose the federal government participation in relief programs?

he believed that only state and city governments should dispense relief

Did anarchist oppose all forms of government?

yes, they oppose all forms if government.

Why do some current citizens still oppose a strong federal government?

You will find that those that oppose the government and those that complain the loudest are those that contribute nothing to this country. There are people that have to complain about the government because they take no responsibility for themselves and finds it easier to throw stones than try and fix something.

Why would anarchists oppose the US government?

they would oppose the US government because they believe in abolishing the government. In other words, they do not want a government.

Who did the Regulators oppose?

The Government

Why did many oppose the national bank?

Citizens feared that a central bank placed too much power in the hands of the federal government.