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Q: Where was the name of the king who wanted all the baby boys killed?
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Was Jesus and Herod friends?

Considering, that Herod is the evil King who wanted Baby Jesus killed, it is then unlikely that they could have been friends.

What people wanted done to jesus?

The Jews who followed him wanted him as a king, but the priests wanted him killed.

Why did King Herod send the Magi to Bethlehem?

King Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to find the baby they were looking for. He wanted them to come back and tell him where the baby was. He told them he wanted to know so he could worship him also, but he really planned to have him killed. The magi were warned in a dream, and so did not return to King Herod, but left another way.

What is the name of the man who said he would kill Jesus in the nativity story?

Herod was the king who ordered all baby boys killed, hoping to get rid of the One he thought was threatening his throne.

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king tut killed lots of peoples however he wasnt a bad person king tut killed a lot of people but however he wanted a bad guy

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because she didnt have any chilren who were boys

When were baby boys born to the israelites killed?

Matthew's Gospel tells us that when King Herod of Palestine heard of Jesus' birth, he declared that all Jewish boys under the age of two years old to be killed. Jesus' estimated time of birth was approximately 4 B.C., so this order was likely carried out up to a year after Jesus' birth.

What baby boy survived king herod killing of baby boys?

Jesus. John the Baptist also survived as he and Jesus were about the same age.

What ancient religion was the Slaughter of the Innocent of Christianity copied from?

In the Gospel According to Matthew, Joseph, son of Jacob went to Egypt. Afterwards, the king ordered all the baby boys in Bethlehem to be killed, however Jesus was spared. This is called the Slaughter of the Innocents.In the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament), Joseph, son of Jacob, went to Egypt. Afterwards, the king ordered all the Israelite baby boys in Egypt to be killed, however Moses was spared.There are, of course some differences, but the story of the Slaughter of the Innocents is considered to be copied from the earlier account in Judaism.

Who wasnt happy about Jesus' birth?

King Herod , King of the Jews so he killed all the boys in his land under the age of 2 but Jesus escaped.

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he killed his father because he father was king and he wanted to be king so he killed him so he could get all the power.

Why didn't the magi return the same way they came?

because otherwise King Harrod would have killed baby Jesus, the new King