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Liberty Tree

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Q: Where was the place to protest British policy?
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Liberty blank place to protest British policy?

Liberty Tree: place to protest British Polocy.

What british policy did American colonists protest at the Boston tea party?


Why did the culpeper rebellion take place?

To protest against the British Navigation Acts.

What did Gandhi do before his protests?

Always thiinks if his protest will reduce the suffering ofv the Indians caused by British policy.

Why do you have to protest british taxes?

There is no requirement to protest British taxes currently, and many British citizens do not do this.

What year did the british policy of mercantilism take place?


Most colonial protest took place here?

most colonial protest took place in Boston

How did colonist protest against British laws and regulations?


How did the colonists protest British taxes?

by boycotting products.

How did coloniest react to british taxes?

The british had created organized protest and fought for what they believed in.

How did British government react to the protest of the stamp act?

they declared.

The refusal to buy british goods in protest is called?
