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Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press in 1436. Prior to that, about 1041 movable clay type had be developed by Chinese. Gutenberg's invention changed for every the production of books.

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1mo ago

The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany around 1440. This invention revolutionized the spread of knowledge and information by making it easier and quicker to produce books and other printed materials.

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13y ago

The printing press was first assembled by Johann Gutenberg, a goldsmith, in Germany around 1439. There has already been printing presses in ancient China, Korea and East Asia several hundred years previously before Gutenberg invented it, but they did not use method such as that of Gutenberg's.

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14y ago

Johannes Gutenberg, Mainz, Germany (then the Electorate of Mainz)

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11y ago

The printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, based on existing screw presses.

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The printing press was invented before the Americas were discovered. The same kind that were used in Europe were simply made in America once people wanted them there. The first printing press in Europe was built by a German goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg. He made it around 1440 and the first book he printed was the Bible.

Who inventing the printing press?

Printing Press was invented by Johann Gutenberg

When did Johannes Gutenberg invent the printing press?

In the late 1440s Johann Gutenberg developed printing by movable type. (Printing using wood blocks and so on was already well known).Note that printing by movable type was already known in Korea.He invented the printing press in 1454.Gutenberg did not invent the printing press, the printing press he used was a modified lithography press that already existed. What he invented was movable type, which greatly sped up the process of setting up the press for printing.

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Gutenberg of Germany invented the printing press.

When did the Printing Press?

The first printing press was made in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.

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The 1440s invention that helped spread the ideas of the renaissance throughout Europe was the movable printing press. It was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.