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Topaz was first actually found in Poland in the Erz Mountains.

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Q: Where was topaz first found?
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Does topaz has floresent capabilities?

simply no topaz is not found with floresence

Is topaz commonly found?

Yes Topaz is moderately common

Where was the largest topaz found?

The largest topaz gemstone was found in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is known as the "American Golden Topaz" and weighs approximately 22,892 carats.

When was the topaz first discovered?

The first topaz discovered in Brazil dates back to 1735.

What state is topaz normally found in?

Utah is probably the top producer of topaz crystals in the US; a seemingly endless supply of superb transparent, colorless to sherry-colored crystals come from Topaz Mountain, but it's not the only state that produces good topaz.

How are topaz formed?

Topaz was formed at a high temperature, and is commonly found in igneous rock.

Is Topaz found in Australia?


When was topaz found?

1735 in Brazil

How many topaz rocks are in the world?

It is difficult to estimate the exact number of topaz rocks in the world as they are found in various locations and quantities. Topaz is a relatively common gemstone found in countries such as Brazil, United States, Russia, and Nigeria. Topaz is also found in a variety of colors including blue, yellow, pink, and white.

Where is blue topaz found?

blue topaz is found in:Mexico Colorado,Utah, and California

What states and provinces are topaz in?

Topaz can be found in states such as Utah, Colorado, and Texas in the United States. It is also found in provinces like Minas Gerais in Brazil, Ouro Preto in Brazil, and more recently in Pakistan. Topaz can be found in other locations around the world as well.

What areas of the world can topaz be found?

Topaz is commonly found in Brazil, Nigeria, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Russia. Other significant deposits can also be found in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Japan, and the United States.